Ward 2 - Detroit, Michigan
Below is the 1860 census index for Merchants Exchange, located in Ward 2 of Detroit, Michigan. The Employees and Residents are included.
There are possibly some spelling errors due to transcribing the census taker's hand writing. All Corrections are Welcome !
Last Name | First Name | Age | Relationship/Occupation | Birth Place |
Moore | John | 45 | Proprietor | Scotland |
Moore | Isabella | 34 | Wife | Scotland |
Moore | John | 13 | Son | Michigan |
Moore | Isabella | 11 | Daughter | Michigan |
Moore | Charles | 6 | Son | Michigan |
Moore | Albert | 4 | Son | Michigan |
Moore | Anna | 1 | Daughter | Michigan |
Cochran | Neil | 28 | Clerk | Scotland |
Carl | Daniel | 24 | Saloon Keeper | Ireland |
Laftus ? | James | 30 | Head Waiter | Ireland |
Price | Catherine | 19 | Waitress | Ireland |
Lynch | Margaret | 22 | Waitress | Ireland |
Flaherty | Catherine | 15 | Waitress | Ireland |
Clifford | Hannah | 20 | Chamber Maid | Ireland |
McCrea | Mary | 21 | Kitchen Girl | Canada |
Rowley | Kate | 22 | Kitchen Girl | Ireland |
Ryan | Ellen | 21 | Wash Girl | Ireland |
Daly | Mary | 38 | Wash Girl | Ireland |
Laller | Mrs | 40 | Resident | Ireland |
Crockley | Pat | 29 | Porter | Ireland |
Flaherty | Patrick | 18 | Porter | Ireland |
Forest | W.S. | 51 | Theatrical Performer | England |
McGregor | John | 26 | Seaman | Scotland |
Martin | John Capt. | 30 | Seaman | Ireland |
Flaherty | Wm | 30 | RailRoad Baggage Man | Canada |
Crogin ? | Davison | 25 | Fisherman | Michigan |
Davis | Delos | 32-Male | Land Agent | New York |
Lill | James | 24 | Clerk | Michigan |
Batter | Geo. | 28 | Sailor | Michigan |
Prentis | Geo. | 22 | Clerk | Ohio |
Baldwin | W.M. | 19 | Clerk | New York |
Baldwin | E.S. | 21 | Clerk | New York |
Moran | J.J. | 20 | Clerk | Ireland |
Grix | John | 34 | Blacksmith | Prussia |
Grix | Geo. | 28 | Shoemaker | Prussia |