Roselawn Cemetery has been read and transcribed by Diane Dempsey and Linda Fero of Perry, MI. The contents of this file may be copied for personal use but may not be copied for distribution in any form, written, electronic or otherwise by anyone or any other non-profit or for-profit corporations. If you find something helpful here please drop a thank you note to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to this address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



I used the roads in the cementery to divided the cementery into sections. I listed the sections on the list, so if you are looking for a particular grave, you can use this as a guide. Section A, B, C, D and E, are the older sections of the cementery and on the South side of Ellsworth Road. The rows in these sections run North to the South, starting row 1 on the north west most corner. Sections F, G, H, I and J are in the newest part of the cementery and on the North side of Ellsworth Road. The rows in these sections run South to the North, starting row 1 on the south west most corner.

To make it easier to naviagate this cemetery I have split it into pages by alphabetically arranged surnames. Click on the letter of your choice to find the page with the corresponding surnames.


A  |  B  | C  | D  | E  | F  | G  | H  | I-J  | K  | L  | M  | N  | O  | P-Q  | R  | S  | T  | U-V  | W  | X  | Y-Z