Bloomfield Township Original Land Owners

Bloomfield Township, Oakland County, Michigan ( Town 2 North Range 10 East) was originally divided into 36 square tracts of land. Each tract held 8 plats. The names and the dates of the original landowners are listed, total acreage and Residence prior to this purchase in Oakland County.

Tract 1:
Sections A-H
a. GREY, Daniel - 101.22 acres June 15, 1831 Steuben County, New York
b. GRAVES, (Greeves) Lewis - 80.00 acres May 7, 1823 Cayuga County, New York
c. SWAN, Amos - 101.22 acres July 30, 1830 Cayuga County, New York
d. SMITH, George - 80.00 acres July 3, 1824 Tioga County, New York
e. SMITH, Sylvester - 100.31 acres May 14, 1825 Oakland County, Michigan
f. MANN, Lewis W. & William L - 80.00 acres July 8, 1831 Oakland County, Michigan
g. DOUGLASS, Caleb - 100.31 acres November 6, 1822 New York
h. PAYNE, Harmon A. - 80.00 acres September 8, 1827 Oakland County, Michigan

Tract 2:
Sections A-H
a. DOUGLASS, Caleb - 99.21 acres November 6, 1822 New York
b. OGDEN, Clark - 160.00 acres No Date Listed Monroe County, New York
c. JOHNSON, Joseph - 197.39 acres September 6, 1822 Seneca County, New York
d. OGDEN, Clark No Date Listed
e. JOHNSON, Joseph - 99.21 acres September 6, 1822 Seneca County, New York
f. MILLARD, Nathaniel - 80 acres May 25, 1824 Oakland County, Michigan
g. JOHNSON, Joseph September 6, 1822
h. TAYLOR, Orestes (Chester) - 80 acres May 25, 1824 Oakland County, Michigan

Tract 3:
Sections A-H
a. BURGE, Emhraim - 99.07 acres May 22, 1823 Seneca County, New York
b. COCHRAN, John and HADSELL , A.B. - 160.00 acres September 17, 1821 residence: Not Given
c. MURDOCK, John - 99.07 acres June 13, 1822 Oakland County, Michigan
d. CONCHRON, John and HADSELL, A.B. September 17, 1821
e. TODD, John (assigned to John Kearsley) - 197.43 acres August 22, 1821 residence: Not Given
f. FERGUSON, William and TROOP,George - 160 acres September 17, 1821 Oakland County, Michigan
g. TODD, John August 22, 1821
h. FURGUSON, William and TROOP,George September 17, 1821

Tract 4:
Sections A-H
a. STANARD, David - 201.56 acres July 3, 1820 Oakland County, Michigan
b. CHAMBERLAIN, John No Date Listed
c. STANARD, David July 3, 1820
d. CHAMBERLAIN, John No Date Listed
e. SWAN, Ziba - 99.78 acres November 4, 1824 Oakland County, Michigan
f. CHAMBERLAIN, William June 28, 1823
g. COMSTOCK, Elkanah - 99.79 acres August 19, 1824 Cayuga County, New York
h. TERRY, Joshua and WHITE, Stephen December 18, 1826

Tract 5:
Sections A-H
a. WIGHTMAN, Joseph May 31, 1824
b. PARKE,Hervey April 15, 1826
c. WIGHTMAN, Joseph May 31, 1824
d. PARKE, Hervey May 26, 1825
e. SLOAT, James June 1, 1831
f. SLOAT, James June 1, 1831
g. SLOAT, James June 1, 1831
h. HUNTER, James June 26, 1830

Tract 6:
Sections A-H
a. COGSWELL, N. June 29, 1824
b. HUNTER, Joseph June 26, 1830
c. STORY, H. June 27, 1832
d. FAULKNER, William December 29, 1830
e. KIDD, W. June 26, 1830
f. FAULKNER, William December 29, 1830
g. BEACH, John 1827
h. HUNTER, William July 3, 1835

Tract 7
Sections A-H
a. WILY, T. June 10, 1831
b. GREER, W. and SIMPSON, R. 1836
c. GREER, W. and PORTER, A. 1834 & 1852
d. GREER, J. 1857
e. GREER, William October 26, 1831
f. COATES, J and <.b>GREER J. 1834
g. GREER, William October 26, 1831
h. COATES, J. and GREER, J. 1835

Tract 8
Sections A-H
a. COLBY, S. July 13, 1830
b. VOORHEIS, Z. March 18, 1824
c. PORTER, J. and C. July 13, 1830
d. ROCKWELL, Z.A. June 18, 1831
e. HASTINGS June 3, 1831
f. PORTER, C. and MARTON, J. 1831 & 1837
g. JOY, B. June 21, 1830
h. PORTER, C. and SIMPSON, R. 1834 & 1856

Tract 9
Sections A - H
a. ROAD, E. September 7, 1822
b. PEARSALL, G. October 7, 1830
c. CHAMBERLAIN, W. June 28, 1823
d. PORTER, Z. and HALL Z. 1832 & 1837
e. CHAMBERLAIN, Z. June 24, 1824
f. PALMER, W. October 7, 1830
g. COLBY, S. July 3, 1830
h. PEARSALL, G. October 7, 1830

Tract 10
Sections A - H
a. COGGSWELL, Nathan September 27, 1821
b. COOK, Ezekial June 10, 1822
c. COGGSWELL, Nathan September 27, 1821
d. VOORHEIS, John June 23, 1823
e. FURGUSON, Daniel December 12, 1821
f. VOORHEIS, John June 23, 1823
g. SOWLE, Luther November 6, 1822
h. VOORHEIS, John June 23, 1823

Tract #11
Sections A-H
a. WETMORE, John May 26, 1821
b. WETMORE, John May 26, 1821
c. WETMORE, John May 26, 1821
d. WETMORE, John May 26, 1821
e. ALLEN, Jeremiah October 18, 1824
f. SMITH, Job November 10, 1820
g. TAYLOR, Orestes September 1, 1823
h. HARRIS, Ezekial June 10, 1822

Tract #12
Sections A - H
a. PARKS, Robert May 24, 1823
b. WILLARD, Daniel June 4, 1824
c. SMITH, George June 18, 1824
d. CARGILL, Hartford November 8, 1830
e. SMITH, George June 18, 1824
f. CARGILL, Hartford November 8, 1830
g. SKIDMORE, James December 7, 1831
h. KELLY, Dennis July 26, 1828

Tract #13
Sections A-H
a. SATTERLEE, Samuel September 14, 1822
b. BALDWIN, Eara October 11, 1819
c. SATTERLEE, Samuel Spetmber 14, 1822
d. BALDWIN, Eara October 11, 1819
e. HUNT, Lucius O. May 30, 1825
f. BALDWIN, Edwin June 7, 1824
g. IRWIN, Jared S. June 8, 1831
h. SWAN, Eljas S. June 7, 1824

Tract #14
Sections A-H
a. STEVENS, Nicholas June 8, 1831
b. PALMER, Miles May 28, 1823
c. CASTLE, Asa June 14, 1822
d. PALMER, Miles May 28, 1823
e. MORRIS, William and BAGLEY,Amasa September 18, 1821
f. BAGLEY, Amasa September 28, 1821
g. MORRIS, William and BAGLEY, Amasa September 18, 1821
h. BAGLEY, Amasa September 28, 1821

Tract #15
Sections A-H
a. BLAKE, Chesley May 26, 1823
b. MORAN, Lewis November 2, 1824
c. VAUGHAN, Polly July 21, 1824
d. DIAMOND, John June 11, 1823
e. VAUGHAN, John October 10, 1829
f. HILER, David September 26, 1823
g. MARTIN, Ira April 19, 1829
h. HILER, David September 26, 1823

Tract #16
Sections A-H
a. - h. Granted by the State of Michigan for the use of Schools

Tract #17
Sections A - H
a. PEARSALL, S. and SMITH, I. February 21, 1835
b. SMITH, I. Novembver 1, 1832
c. RISCHEN J. and PEARSALL, G. Febrary 21, 1835
d. PEARSALL, M. and GREER I. November 23, 1835
e. PEARSALL, M. and LEET G. April 28, 18070
f. SIMON, F.C. and GREER, J. April 10, 1832
g. GREER, J. and LEET G. January 10, 1837
h. GREER, J. April 10, 1832

Tract #18
Sections A - H
a. SIMPSON, R. and STICKNEY, E. June 4, 1836
b. PECK, S. August 11, 1831
c. GREER, E. June 21, 1831
d. DURKEE, W. June 15, 1830
e. STICKNEY, E. June 4, 1836
f. STICKNEY, E. May 28, 1832
g. GILLESPIE, E. June 3, 1831
h. DURKEE, W and STICKNEY, E June 26, 1834

Tract #19
Sections A - H
a. BEATTY, J. May 26, 1832
b. KYLE, H. August 8, 1830
c. BEATTY, S. May 4, 1836
d. HARMON, W. October 16, 1828
e. GILCHRIST, T. and CUMMINGS, W. February 5, 1833
f. CUMMINGS, W. June 26, 1830
g. POWELL, D. June 21, 1824
h. ELLERBY, E. June 8, 1824

Tract #20
Sections A - H
a. GREER, J. February 5, 1834
b. CORY, W. May 24, 1824
c. GREER, J. July 19, 1834
d. LOUW, W. June 4, 1828
e. GREER, J. and LODER, A. August 12, 1834
f. FRENCH October 5, 1830
g. GAMBLE, W. October 10, 1831
h. CRAWFORD, J. June 3, 1830

Tract #21
Sections A-H
a. VAUGHAN, John June 6, 1828
b. DEANOYER, Peter I. July 28, 1824
c. BEATTY, J. May 27, 1831
d. JENCKS, Morris April 29, 1824
e. GREER, J. May 28, 1830
f. JENCKS, Morris April 29, 1824
g. MIDDAUGH, Samuel October 1, 1829
h. CORY, W. May 24, 1824

Tract #22
Sections A - H
a. MORRIS, William and Benjamin August 17, 1831
b. CALVIN, A. and VALENTINE, John October 22, 1832
c. BAGLEY, Amosa and MORRIS, William July 10, 1828
d. DURKEE, Wilkes January 23, 1831
e. BAGLEY, Amosa and MORRIS, William July 10, 1828
f. PATRICK, William May 3, 1830
g. VAUGHAN, John June 28, 1826
h. PATRICK, Pierce May 2, 1825

Tract #23
Sections A - H
a. FISK, Elisha S. December 8, 1819
b. GRAY, Elliot July 18, 1822
c. FISK, Elisha S. December 8, 1819
d. GRAY, Elliot July 18, 1822
e. MILLER, O.W. June 7, 1824
f. MILLER, O.W. June 7, 1824
g. MORRIS, William May 14, 1825
h. MILLER, O.W. June 7, 1824

Tract #24
Sections A-H
a. JOHN, Thomas and W.R. December 20, 1820
b. CASTLE, Lemuel and FAIRBANKS, Joseph September 28, 1821
c. JOHN, Thomas and W.R. December 20, 1820
d. CASTLE, Lemuel and FAIRBANKS, Joseph September 28, 1821
e. WILLARD, Levi September 29, 1821
f. WILLARD, Levi September 26, 1821
g. WILLARD, Levi September 29, 1821
h. WILLARD, Levi September 26, 1821

Tract #25
Sections A - H
a. SWAN, Ziba September 24, 1821
b. HAMILTON, John September 27, 1821
c. SWAN, Ziba September 24, 1821
d. HAMILTON, John September 27, 1821
e. SWAN, Ziba September 24, 1821
f. WILLITS, Elijah September 25, 1821
g. SWAN, Ziba September 24, 1821
h. WILLITS, Elijah September 25, 1821

Tract #26
Sections A - H
a. GILES, Henry July 27, 1821
b. WHITNEY, Henry July 27, 1821
c. GILES, Henry July 27, 1821
d. WHITNEY, Henry July 27, 1821
e. FERGUSON, William October 14, 1822
f. BLAKESLEE, Scriba Dcember 15, 1831
g. TORREY, Oliver November 17, 1821
h. TORREY, Oliver November 17, 1821

Tract #27
Sections A - H
a. PHILLIPS, David M. May 16, 1829
b. CURTIS, Eli and BASSETT, Samuel
c. DURKEE, Maria September 24, 1830
d. CURTIS, Eli and BASSETT, Samuel
e. JOHNSON, Thomas July 4, 1831
f. LEGG, Lyman June 8, 1822
g. BARTON, William October 3, 1824
h. CASE, Nathaniel October 12, 1822

Tract #28
Sections A - H
a. DURKEE, Wilkes August 11, 1823
b. PERRY, Caroline F June 26, 1823
c. DURKEE, Wilkes August 11, 1823
d. DURKEE, Wilkes August 11, 1823
e. GILBERT, Joseph June 24, 1823
f. GILBERT, Joseph June 24, 1823
g. GILBERT, Joseph June 24, 1823
h. GILBERT, Joseph June 24, 1823

Tract #29
Sections A - H
a. WING, Austin E. September 8, 1821
b. WING, Austin E. September 8, 1821
c. WING, Austin E. September 8, 1821
d. WING, Austin E. September 8, 1821
e. WHITNEY, A.G. September 29, 1832
f. ELLIOTT, Robert June 28, 1828
g. WHITNEY, A.G. September 29, 1832
h. STRINGER J. June 23, 1820

Tract #30
Sections A - H
a. BARKLEY, Josiah October 17, 1825
b. GRINNELL, Daniel May 28, 1824
c. BARKLEY, Josiah October 17, 1825
d. ELLERBY, Edward May 14, 1825
e. BARKLEY, Josiah October 17, 1825
f. BARKLEY, Josiah October 17, 1825
g. ELLERBY, Edward June 8, 1824
h. BARKLEY, Josiah Octber 17, 1825

Tract #31
Sections A - H
a. BAKER, Jacob July 19, 1823
b. BLAKESLEE, Scriba July 29, 1823
c. ELLERBY, Edward July 31, 1824
d. ELLERBY, Edward July 31, 1824
e. ELLERBY, Edward July 31, 1824
f. ELLERBY, Edward January 3, 1825
g. ELLERBY, Edward March 12, 1825
h. SMITH, Lewis December 21, 1824

Tract #32
Sections A - H
a. DURKEE, Wilkes July 4, 1823
b. DURKEE, Wilkes July 4, 1823
c. DURKEE, Wilkes July 4, 1823
d. DURKEE, Wilkes July 4, 1823
e. SLY, Charles March 11, 1824
f. BARKLEY, Josiah December 9, 1825
g. SLY, Charles March 11, 1824
h. BARKLEY, Josiah December 9, 1825

Tract #33
Sections A - H
a. JOHNSON, David December 21, 1822
b. DESNOYER, Peter March 16, 1819
c. DURKEE, Wilkes July 14, 1823
d. DESNOYER, Peter March 16, 1819
e. DURKEE, Wilkes July 14, 1823
f. DESNOYER, Peter March 16, 1819
g. DURKEE, Wilkes July 14, 1823
h. DESNOYER, Peter March 16, 1819

Tract #34
Sections A - H
a. JENCKS, Laban November 16, 1821
b. DESNOYER, Peter I. September 21, 1821
c. JENCKS, Laban November 16, 1821
d. DESNOYER, Peter I September 21, 1821
e. JENCKS, Orrin November 13, 1822
f. DESNOYER, Peter I September 21, 1821
g. NILES, Joseph October 12, 1822
h. DESNOYER, Peter I September 21, 1821

Tract #35
Sections A - H
a. PIERCE, Benjamin K. January 28, 1819
b. DESNOYER, Peter I. September 21, 1821
c. PIERCE, Benjamin K. January 28, 1819
d. DESNOYER, Peter I. September 21, 1821
e. BACON, Artemas September 24, 1821
f. DESNOYER, Peter I. September 21, 1821
g. BACON, Artemas September 24, 1821
h. DESNOYER, Peter I. September 21, 1821

Tract #36
Sections A - H
a. HUNTER, John W. September 5, 1821
b. STANLEY, William May 10, 1831
c. HUNTER, John W. September 5, 1821
d. JOHNSON, David May 30, 1821
e. PIERCE, Benjamin K. January 24, 1819
f. DANIELS, Hiriam and Clarissa November 22, 1831
g. PIERCE, Benjamin K. January 24, 1819
h. DESNOYER, Peter I. February 13, 1832

Contributed by Linda Ball