Mount Clemens Macomb County, Michigan
Text Version of Land Claims Prior to 1875

This is the text version of land claims for the City of Mount Clemens, Michigan. Some plats are just un-readable. I have made an effort to transcribe this to the best of my ability, however, you might want to order the exact Land Claim from the County Clerk's Office County of Macomb. It is useful in that, it does show acreage, and you can tell which neighbors may have been located near your family.
Since plats are not in exact square acreage or marked by sections, I have included some direction to the plat. Again, some names are completely un-readable.

Yellow Section From plat map Map Image

North West Corner of Mt Clemens:
Mitchell TROMLEY
Total Acres: 70.87

Western Plat, directly South of Tromley's:
Total Acres: 10.00

Western Plat, directly South Sheldon's:
TROMLEY's Estate
Total Acres: not listed

Western Plat, directly South of Tromley's:
Total Acres: not listed
Notes: There are 26 smaller plats on this tract, none are owned by name by 1875. On the SouthEast edge of the plat stands the Grand Truck RailRoad Depot Yard, then the RailRoad tracks.

MidWestern Plat, directly East of Tromley/Sheldon:
Total Acreage: 73.58

Running West to East Hubbard Avenue

MidWestern Plat, directly South of Hubbard Ave:
Total Acreage: not listed

Note: there are 16 smaller plats on the Eastern edge of this tract, not listed by name by 1875

Running West to East: The Grand Truck Avenue

MidWestern Plat, directly East of Moross:
Total Acreage: not listed
Note: The Grand Truck RailRoad runs through this plat, as well as 18 smaller plats, not owned by name by 1875.

Running North to South is Eldridge Street
Running West to East is Grand Truck Avenue

MidEastern Plat, directly East of Eldridge:
Total Acreage: not listed
Grand Truck RailRoad runs directly thru the middle of this property.

Directly South of Hubbard's:
Grove Park
Total Acreage: not listed

Running West to East is Hubbard Avenue

MidEastern Plat, directly South of Hubbard Ave
Total Acreage: not listed
There are 5 smaller plats on the southern edge of the property not owned by name.

Running North to South Grove Park Avenue

Running North to South Washington Street

Directly East of Washington Street:
Total Acreage: not listed
There are 5 smaller plats on the southern edge of the property not owned by name.

Running West to East is Grand Truck Avenue

Eastern most plat
Total Acreage: 15.02

Directly south of Greiner:
Total Acreage: 11.48

Running West to East Pratt Road

Directly South of Pratt Road:
Total Acreage: 8.0

Directly South of Canfield's:
Total Acreage: 8.0

Directly South of Riechaht's:
Total Acreage: 4.0

Directly South of White's:
Total Acreage: 4.0

Directly South of Schille's:
Total Acreage: 4.0

Directly South of Bally's:
Total Acreage: 7.95
6 plats on the southern edge of Bally's
names of plat owners: LANG , J.T. PLEGER, BOLDT, CLEVELAND, BOSWELL, Pefer(?) FREILIEGER (?)

Running West to East Hubbard Avenue

Directly South of Hubbard Ave:
21 smaller plats marked with VIII

Directly South of VIII:
Total Acreage: 9.41
There are 12 smaller plats on the South edge of this tract
Note: the southeast corner is marked Block 1 and an unreadable name

Running West to East is Grand Truck Avenue
That completes the Yellow Section of Mt Clemens

Blue Section of Plat MapMap Image

NorthEast Corner of the City of Mount Clemens

Running North to South is Branch Road

Northern most section
Total Acreage: 25.03

Directly South of Canfield:
Total Acreage: 13.65

Directly South of Canfield, J:
(West side) H.H. HUNTINGTON
Total Acreage: 12.0

Directly East of Huntington:
Total Acreage: 8.0

Directly South of Huntington & Alwood:
Total Acreage: 20.0

Directly South of Gallup's:
triangular plat of G.P. VANEPS
Total Acreage: 4.31

Directly East of Vaneps:
rectangular plat of N, STAPLETON Estate
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly East of Stapleton:
2 rectangular plats of Robert WELLS
Total Acreage: not listed
Note: these plats are seperated by Mullett Street running down the middle.

Directly East of Wells:
1 squarish plat of Robert Wells
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly below Wells smallest plat:
Total Acreage: not listed

The following streets run within the area East of Branch Road:
Macomb Street, New Street, Market Street, Clinton Street, and Mullett Street.
Running in opposite direction is: Pine Street.
Note: on the Corner of Pine Street and New Street is 9th(?) Church

Running almost North to South is Gratiot Avenue

There are approximately 34 square sections of land with approximately 10 smaller plats inside each tract. None of them are owned by name, only numbered.

The following streets are running along this area of land: John Street , Williams Street, Clemens Street, Brooks Street, Jones Streed, Cooley Street, Mullett Street, Clinton Street, and Market Street.
Running in the opposite direction are: Gold Street, Boheme Street, Orchard Street, Howard Street, Walnut Street, Count(?) Street, and Front Street.

Green Section of the Map Map Image MUCH of this area is unreadable.

To the Far West:
Grand Truck RailRoad Freight Yard
Depot Yard and Depot, than RailRoad Tracks
Total Acreage: not listed

Direct East of the Grand Truck RR:
triangular pattern of approximately 8 plats
none named, no acreage listed

Directly East of the 8 plats:
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly East of Moross:
Approximately 12 plats
Numbered only, no names

Running North to South is Eldridge Street

Directly East of Eldridge:
Approximately 15 plats
Numbered only, no names

Directly East of 15 Plats:
Upper section marked Block 3
Approximately 15 plats
Numbered Only, no names

Directly South of Block 3:
One Unreadable
Total acreage: unreadable

Directly East:
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly East of Nichols:
John May (?)
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly East of May:
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly East of Potter:
Total Acreage: not listed

East of Block 3 between Grand Trunk Ave and Shelby Street
6 plats of property
LANG, T.W. SNOOK, J. SAVAGE, A. SNOOK, Union School, and Silas DIXON

Border by those 6 plats, North of Shelby and East of North Branch Road
6 plats of property
C. S. GROSSBECK, ?. R. BABCOCK, T.W.SNOOK, S.T. ROBERTSON(?), M.(?) DOL(?), and Samuel (?).
There are approximately 8 small plats not marked by name, or are unreadable

On corner of Macomb Street & North Branch

On corner of Pine Street and Market Street
a square block marked 8
in square block marked 9 is Green Lutheran Church

Also readable are the street's named: Cherry, Walnut, Coury, and Front. Running in opposite direction readable streets are: East, Franklin, and Jay
Bordering the Northern Middle Green Portion is Clinton River to the East, Grand Trunk Avenue to the North , with Shelby Street running West to East near the mid-bottom.

Directly below the Grand Truck Freight Yard:
C. Ullrick
Total acreage: not listed

Directly East of Ullrick:
Northern portion of Ignace A. MOROSS
Total Acreage: 67
Note: there are smaller plats about 13, not marked by name.

Directly East of Moross:
6 properties
named by: CONNER(?), Xancy ORE,Northern portion of N.L. MILLER,Northern portion of "Fredk" IMMENS, W. HIGH.

Directly East of 6 properties, to the Northern Portion:
8 properties

One section marked Block V

One small tract named for M.K. Ch

Along Clinton River
One small plat named Woolen Mill

South of Woolen Mill:
one small plat named Brewery

ENDS the GREEN Section

Orange Section of Plat MapSouthWestern Portion Mt Clemens Image

Furthest Western & Southern parcel:
L. TROWLEYs Estate
Total Acreage: 81.88

Directly East of Trowley's:
Lower Largest portion of Ignace A. MOROSS
Total Acreage: 67.0

North Western Parcel East of Moross:
Total Acreage: 12.0

Lower portion of N.L. MILLER
Lower portion of Fredk IMMENS

Directly South of Miller/Immens:
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly South of Krenning and Stephens:
Total Acreage: 18.0

SouthEastern Corner of Elridge:
Total Acreage: not listed

South of Elridge & Butsler:
Western Side to Clinton River
Charles MOSER
Total Acreage: 15.0

Northern Middle Corner of Moser:
L. & S. DOTY
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly East of Doty:
Total Acreage: not listed

Directly South of Doty & Rockopp:
Total Acreage: 5.0

Completes the ORANGE Section

PINK Section of Map of Mt Clemens to view Image Map

North Western Partial Directly east of High:
Total Acreage: 5.05

Direct South of Edlridge
Total Acreage: 5.07
The very east portion of each parcel is marked by 8 smaller tracts, none owned by name

Directly South of Eldridge:
Total Acreage: 3.86

Running West to East Church Street

South of Church Street:
Plat marked 2
Total Acreage: 430

South of Plat 2:
Plat marked 3
Total Acreage: 4.30

South of Plat 3:
Plat marked 4
Total Acreage: 4.30

South of Plat 4
Plat marked 5
Total Acreage 4.30

Runing North & South Grant Street

Directly East of 8 small plats east of Eldridge:
small plat owned by R.P. ELDRIDGE

Directly South of this small plat Eldridge:
small plat owned by M. STEPHENS Estate

Directly South of Stephens:
small plat owned by William JENNY

Directly South of Jenny are 2 small plats, not named
and Church Street

South of Church Street:
18 smaller plats

Running North to South is Fraser Street
Between plats 15 and 16:
marked Arbeiter(?) Hall

Running West to East Robertson Street

NorthEastern Most Section bordered on East by Clinton River:
small plat owned by MOSER

Directly South of Moser:
small plat owned by William RAY

South of Ray:
4 small plats, the souther most, #4
marked Episc CH

Running West to East Church Street

East on the Clinton River:
Small plat marked Spokers Saw Mill

Directly South are 9 smaller plats and 1 large plat
large plat on East marked 1
Total Acreage: 3.57

Running North to South Front Street

East of Front Street
marked (looks like ??)Sarah A Elwed Fy ??

South of "Elwed":
24 small plats, not marked by name

South of 1
plat marked 2
inside 2 along Clinton River is Saw Mill
Total Acreage: 3.62

South of 2:
plat marked 3
Total Acreage: 5.0

Directly South of 3:
plat marked 4
Total Acreage: 5.0

Directly East of 4:
plat marked 5
Total Acreage: 7.18

Directly East of 5:
plat marked 6
Total Acreage: 7.82

Running West to East Robertson Street
Plat marked 8
Total Acreage: 4.0

East of 8
plate marked 9
Total Acreage: 2.51

South of 8:
7 smaller plats not marked by name

South of 9:
7 smaller plats not marked by name
Running North to South are: St Mary Street and Greiner Street

Running Wast to East Kisbee Street

South of Kisbee:
5 smaller plats marked XIV

South of XIV:
5 smaller plats marked 4

East of XIV and 4
8 smaller plats marked 5

South of 5
Plat marked 6
Total Acreage: 2.38

Running North to South Gratiot Street

Directly East of Gratiot
Approximately 36 small plats
marked XV

South of XV
plat marked 24
Total Acreage: 3.04

East of 24:
plat marked 11
Total Acreage: 5.0

Running West to East Kisbee Street

South of Kisbee
plat marked 25
Total Acreage: 3.04

East of 25
Plat marked 17
Total Acreage: 5.0

Running West to East Inshes Street

unreadable amount of plats, however looks close to
8.0 total acreas

Running North to South Meadle Street

East of Meadle Street
plat marked 9
Total Acreage: 5.0

East of 9
plat marked 8
Total Acreage: 5.0

South of 9
plat marked 12
Total Acreage: 5.0

East of 12
plat marked 13
Total Acreage: 5.0

Running West to East Kisbee Street

South of Kisbee
plat marked 16
Total Acreage: 5.0

East of 16
plat marked 15
Total Acreage: 5.0

Running West to East Inshes Street
area unreadable

Running North to South Rear Street
East of Rear Street:
plat marked 7
Total Acreage: 10.72

South of 7:
plat marked 14
Total Acreage: 12.27
End of Pink Marked Section

As mentioned before, the image of Mt Clemens Plats is very poorly copied, and many portions are un-reable

Contributed by Linda Ball