Danby Cemetery, Danby Township, Ionia County

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Submitted by Beth Ellen Wills

This copy made from burial records in August 1974

Name Age Date of Birth Date of Death Cemetery Lot / Comments
??, Infant 12-6-1893 2x 30 4
??, Infant 1 21 7
Abbey, Child of R. G. 1 50 6
Ackerson, Eric Allyn (Infant) 8-1-1974 4 102 1
Alleman, Dolly N. 1 4
Alleman, George W. 1-11-1944 1 4 8
Alleman, Henry H. 1 4 1
Alleman, Henry Jay 7-25-1940 1 4 11
Alleman, Infant of M. E. & A.D. 1 31 9
Alleman, John G. 10-9-1947 1 31 10
Alleman, Lauretta A. 11-6-1951 1 4 10
Alleman, Lillian 2-6-1931 1 4 12
Alleman, Louisa M. 1 42
Alleman, Mary E. 9-12-1920 1 31 8
Alleman, Oscar 8-7-1922 1 31 7
Allen, Almina H. 1 40 8
Allen, Earl J. 4-27-1968 1 40
Allen, G. 1 40 5
Allen Keyson 11-27-1937 3 43 1
Allen, Philena 1 40 9
Allen, Philena A. 4-10-1903 1 40 3
Allen, Will H. 6-12-1898 1 40 12
Alonzo, Romana lx 9 9
Ames, Alvinus H. lx 57 2
Ames, Clarissa 8-4-1919 lx 57 3
Ames, Glen A. lx 57 Vault
Ames, Glen A. 6-20-1963 lx 57 4
Ames, Harriet H. lx 57 1
Ames, Teddie Duane 12-17-1965 3 76 5
Ames, Thomas H. 11-13-1903 lx 57 8
Ames, Willis F. lx 57 9
Anastos, Etta M. 2-20-1959 ax 52 5
Andrews, (Mrs) 1 78
Andrews, Elizabeth C. 1 22 1 2
Andrews, Martin (Mrs.) 1 72
Andrews, Martin W. C. 1 71
Andrews, Russell 1 77
Anthony Sr., Lawrence George 8-25-1971 4 845 2
Arms, Adelbert 2x 38 5
Arms, Glen 2x 38 4
Arms, Ida 2x 38 6
Arms, James P. 2x 38 1
Arms, Mragaret 2x 38 7
Arms, Ray 1-5-1942 2x 38 3
Arms, Mary E. 2x 38 2
Aselton, Isaac 1x 33 7
Aselton, Nancy lx 33 8
Atwell, Lewis 1 85 5
Atwell, Maxine 3-11-1936 1 85 3
Atwell, Theodore 3-11-1936 1 85 4
Bachee, Rose lx 2
Backus, Benjamin Henry 3-5-1929 3 15 1
Bailey, George 1 24 4
Bailey, Jessie M. 1-6-1954 2x 70 2
Baker, A. 1891
Baker, Elizabeth 42 yrs  1870 1 77 2
Baker, Jesse 5-18-1934 1 77 3
Baker, Mary 3-26-1938 3 38 2
Baker, Ornar G. 3-4-1922 3 38 1
Baker, Sarah Ann 1 1 5
Baldwin, Chauncy B. 1-15-1962 4 60 1
Baldwin, Lois Olive 2-28-1968 4 60 2
Ball, John Percy 9-30-1968 3 65 2
Ball, Sidney Jack 11-28-1947 3 65 3
Barber, Don 11-5-1946 lx 52 8
Barber, Lillian 1-21-1932 lx 52 7
Barber Sr., Melberne A. 12-30-1957 4 26 1
Barden, Alonzo 12-2-1925 lx 18 1
Barden, Effie 3-20-1958 lx 18 7
Barden, James N. 12 yrs  1877 lx 18 3
Barden, Lena E. 75 yrs  1945 lx 18
Barden, Mary J. 1924 lx 18 2
Barnard, Ellen Kelly 2 84 1
Barnard, John 7-5-1960
Barnes, Baby Girl 6-22-1961 2 116 1
Barnes, Earl B. 4-10-1967 4 643 2
Barnes, Joseph A. 9-18-1952 3 78 1
Barnes, Lovina 12-28-1941 3 78 2
Barrh, B. F. lx 31 1
Barrons, John William 12-26-1972 4 14 1
Bascom, Ramson M. 10-8-1943 1x 5 8
Bascom, Sarah Amelia 11-25-194 2 lx S 9
Bascom, Charles 7-2-1962 lx 5 1
Baumgardner, 2x 24 7
Beach, Carl Keneth 2-1-1913 2 87 2
Beard, Charles H. 8-31-1967 3 68 1
Beard, Dora 8-12-1947 3 68 2
Bell, Grace P. 2x 21 3
Bell, Harriett Elmira 2x 76 5
Bell, Irene L. 4-18-1936 2x 76 2
Bell, Joseph R. 12-30-1941 2x 76 4
Bell, Roswell A. 2-22-1930 2x 76 1
Bellah, Dewey 9-14-1970 4 128 2
Bidwell, Alpheus F. lx 53 1
Bidwell, Baby 1-24-1925 3 19 3
Bidwell, Carlton H. 4-16-1955 3 18 1
Bidwell, Child of A. lx 53 3
Bidwell, Clara (Baby) 3 18 3
Bidwell, Claude 3-18-1940 3 19 1
Bidwell, Clifford 4-10-1956 2 99 6
Bidwell, Gordon Jasper 2-26-1916 2 99 1
Bidwell, Infant of A. lx 53 4
Bidwell, Lee Alvah 6-13-1950 lx 53 5
Bidwell, Lucy Amanda 10-7-1918 2 99 2
Bidwell, Myrle H. (Infant) 2-28-1940 2 99 4
Bigford, Charles Ernest 10-27-1969 4 80 1
Binns, Anna 2x 32 2
Binns, Charles 10-5-1954 lx 65 6
Binns, Clayton 3 61
Binns, Jeremiah 2x 32 1
Binna, Susan Estella 9-4-1953 1x 65 5
Bishop, Dwight Richard 8-23-1960 3 18 4
Blaine, James H. 8-13-1956 lx 10 1
Blaker, Lucile 1-9-1973 1 39 10
Blanchard, Elmer 11-11-1903 2x 77 1
Blanchard, Glenn E. 10-3-1961 3 10 1
Blanchard, Guy Henry 10-23-1972 2x 77 4
Blanchard, Helen A. 1-29-1919 2x 77 2
Blanchard, Rosa E. 10-4-1966 3 10 2
Blossee, Etta 2x 44 5
Boom, Addie Caroline 9-20-1954 1 12 12
Boom, Perry 4-23-1962 1 12 5 Ashes
Boote, Earnest 11-15-1937 1 15 6
Boote, Fannie Compton 3-3-1936 1 10 5
Boswell, James 2x 13 8
Bottomly, Christina M. 6-25-1965 2x 24 1
Bottomly, Flora 4-8-1955 1 49 2
Bottomly, Levi 1-8-1936 1 49 1
Boughner, Ethel L. 3 29 2
Boughner, George 3-10-1903 1 20 3
Boughner, Glenn T. 6-24-1964 3 29 3
Boughner, Isaac 9-6-1906 1 20 2
Boughner, Lovina 1 20 1
Boughner, Marion Mabel 1-28-1971 3 29 4
Boughner, Rosa 9-15-1940 1 20 5
Boughner, T. J. 1 20 4
Brace, Charles A. 2x 10 4
Brace, Bessie Ellis 4-11-1963 2x 10 5
Bradley, Harriet E. 5-4-1870 1 46 4
Brady, Archie Henry 2-11-1952 3 19 5
Brady, Baby Boy 3-21-1942 3 31 12
Brady, Delbert 2-28-1940 3 31 2
Brady, Eugene 10-15-1933 3 31 1
Brady, John lx 50 1
Brady, Neva Bell 2x 60 6
Brady, Manda 8-6-1965 3 19 2
Brady, Muriel V.
Brooks, Amanda
12-14-1943 3 19 4
Brooks, Charles 1 74 1
Brooks, Charles L. 10-22-1943 3 13 4
Brooks, Chubbie 1 74 5
Brooks, Ella 1 74 6
Brooks, Hattie lx 38 3
Brooks, I. N. 1 88 1
Brooks, Rollin 12-19-1934 3 13 4
Brooks, Ruby
Brooks, Ruby M.
1 88 3
Brooks, William C. 11-4-1928 3 13 2
Brooks, Zoe Goff 9-22-1973 1 88 2
Brown, (Mrs.) 1 52 2
Brown, (Mrs.) 1 65 6
Brown, Archie L. 3-21-1936 3 52 1
Brown, Bert 6-11-1947 2x 52 1
Brown, C. F. 1 52 9
Brown, Child 1 52 12
Brown, Clara M. 10-19-1963 lx 33 5
Brown, Edna E. 4-27-1957 lx 59 4
Brown, Erving 7-31-194 1 lx 54 9
Brown, Ezra (Mrs) 1 52 4
Brown, Francis H. lx 54 7
Brown, Fred E. 4-15-1917 lx 59 1
Brown, H. C. 1 33 2 ashes
Brown, Harry L. 1-25-1939 lx 59 12
Brown, Inez Rose 3-22-1954 lx 59 4
Brown, Infant of C. 1 65 5
Brown, Ira 7-6-1920 2 101 4
Brown, Ivy lx 59 3
Brown, Jane 1 12 4
Brown, John D. 1 12 1
Brown, Johnnie 1 31 3
Brown, Jonathan I. 1 12 3
Brown, Joseph D. 1 33 3
Brown, Lenore 11-5-1960 1x 54 8
Brown, Lyman 10-8-1916 2 101 5
Brown, Marion 1 31 1
Brown, Mary A. 1 33 2
Brown, Maud 1 33 8 ashes
Brown, Melvina 8-28-1906 2x 72 3
Brown, Millie 2-7-1932 3 42 1
Brown, Mina 1 31 4
Brown, Robert (MD) 1 33 1
Brown, Rosa A. 1-8-1951 lx 59 2
Brown, Rose E. 1 33 6
Brown, Sarah 1 12 2
Brown, Sharlotte 1 65 2
Brown, William 9-30-1944 lx 33 5
Brown, William 1 52 1
Brown, WilliamJ. 9-25-1940 1 33 5
Brundage, Infant 7-29-1929 3 28 6
Bugbee, Sally 3-15-1910 1 80 7
Bullard, Child of Oliver lx 19 5
Bullard, Child of Oliver lx 19 6
Bullard, Oliver lx 19 3
Bump, Burkley 9-9-1942 2x 9 3
Bump, Cornelia 2-7-1904 2x 9 2
Bump, Darwin C. 2x 61 3
Bump, Emma 10-30-1951 2x 9 4
Bump, Fred A. 3-20-1951 2x 61 1
Bump, George A. 4-22-1925 3 9 1
Bump, Philo 2x 9 1
Burns, (Mrs.) 1 17 2
Burns, Child of Peter 1 17 6
Burns, Eva 11-11-1898 1 17 9
Burns, James 1 17 1
Burns, James 8-28-1932 3 20 1
Burns, Mary 6-5-1901 1 17 5
Burns, Peter 1 17 4
Burns, Richard Lyle 8-3-1925 3 20 3
Burtless, James 6-29-1933 3 27 1
Burtless, Nora 1-26-1944 3 27 2
Butler, John C. 1-10-1944 1 29 9
Butler, Nellie 1-6-1947 1 29 10
Calkins, Poly 1 22 7
Carpenter, Ellen C. 1 2 10
Carr, Baby girl of Leo 11-10-1942 1 72 12
Carey, Infant 2x 5 6
Carroll, Allen David 3-20-1963 1 41 9
Carroll, Annetta 2-5-1941 1 41 8
Carroll, Arthur 9-14-1936 1 41 7
Carroll, David H. 2x 10 1
Carroll, Floy Irene 4-27-1963 1 41 10
Carroll, Grace 2x 10 3
Carroll, Margerette 2x 10 2
Caswell, George B. lx 41 3
Caswell, H. E. lx 41 1
Caswell, Harvey 2x 16 1
Cathart, Baby Boy 9-25-1956 1 11 4
Childers, Bertha M. 7-22-1958 2 78 2
Clark, Esther lx 20 8
Clark, James lx 20 7
Clark, Jane 3-17-1922 2x 36 3
Clark, Lynn J. 2x 36 4
Cline, Edith Marie 11-11-1969 4 815 1
Cline, Jaunita Sue(Infant) 6-24-1972 4 813 2
Coats, Eliza 1 3 3
Cogswell, Mary M. Burns 10-25-1971 3 20 2
Collingham, Charles 7-5-1914 1 82 3
Collingham, Jacob 4-25-1911 1 84 1
Collingham, Lucy 10-16-1910 1 84 2
Collins, Lois 1 70 2
Collins, Oliver 1 70 1
Compton, Ann 1 44 2
Compton, Diadana 1 44 8
Compton, Delbert F. lx 17 3
Compton, Edwin Elmer 3-29-1953 2x 6 5
Compton, Edwin Olando 1 43 4
Compton, Elie Mariah 1 43 3
Compton, Eliza J. 12-28-1911 1 10 2
Compton, Elizabeth 1 44 4
Compton, Infant 1 10 3
Compton, John 1 44 1
Compton, Lewis 12 yrs  1881 1 10 4
Compton, Martin 5-23-1919 1 10 1
Compton, Olive 1 44 8
Compton, Orla 2x 6 3
Compton, Pearl 10-21-1949 2x 6 4
Compton, Phillip 4-18-1932 1 43 1
Compton, Phillip lx 17 1
Compton, Rosella 12-22-1926 lx 17 2
Compton, Roy S Baby 5-4-1945 3 76 6
Compton, Sally Ann 1 43 2
Compton, William 12-19-1942 lx 21 3
Conkrite, Charles 8-15-1934 1 55 2
Conkrite, Charles H. 1 45 5
Conkrite, Emma J. 1-18-1934 1 55 3
Conkrite, Frankie Ellsworth 1-17-1967 1 23 6
Conkrite, William 2-4-1919 3 5 3
Conn, John 7-3-1934 3 15 2
Conn, Rozella 3-15-1943 3 15 3
Conn, Winnie 4-6-1955 3 15 5
Converse, Ida 1 69 8
Converse, J. Sidney 2-14-1917 1 69 7
Coon, Chauncey 1 73 1
Coon, Margaret 1 73 2
Cotton, Charles Ira 4-13-1969 2x 19 2
Cotton, Edna Grace 7-7-1954 2x 33 2
Cotton, Infant 6-1-1896 2x 33-5
Cotton, Jessie Lyon 1-20-1955 2x 19 3
Cotton, Orin 2x 33 1
Coulter, John 1 55 1
Coulter, Nary E. 1 55 6
Cousens, Leslie G. 8-16-1932 3 1 5
Covert, Jane 8-23-1921 lx 51 6
Covert, Sarah B. 4-3-1932 lx 51 5
Cramer, Floyd Milton 10-17-1959 2 83 3
Cramer, Helen 3-19-1932 3 41 2
Cramer, Howard 5-13-1968 2 114 1
Cramer, John 1 30 5
Cramer, Lambert 12-8-1908 2 83 1
Cramer, Martha 9-4-1932 2 83 2
Cramer, Orlando 4-7-1939 3 41 1
Crane, Carie 2x 31 5
Crane, Emily 2x 31 2
Crane, Silas 4-3-1927 2x 31 1
Crawford, Jessis 11-10-1907 2 88 3
Croff, Chancey W. 1 73 5
Croff, Mary J. lx 42 3
Cronkrite, Caiphuma 1 45 4
Cronkrite, Clara E. 11-28-1939 3 5 2
Cronkrite, Henry 1 45 1
Cronkrite, Manly 12-3-1921 3 5 1
Cronkrite, Martha 1 45 2
Cronkrite, William 1 45 3
Culver, Almira 2x 11 2
Culver, George 3-2-1918 2x 11 1
Culver, Martha J. 2x 11 5
Culver, Minnie 2x 11 7
Cummings, Wellington 1 61 2
Dale, Ethel lx 2 6
Dale, William 2x 15 3
Darling, Charles A. lx 30 1
Darling, Child of Charles lx 30 5
Darling, Dewayne LeRoy 3-28-1950 4 la 4
Darling, Lydia L. 8-4-1944 lx 30 2
David, Alpha 1 35 2
David, Child of George 1 36 7
David, Child of George 1 36 8
David, Edmond J. 1 35 4
David, Edna 6-28-1951 2x 16 4
David, Emma 1 35 5
David, James A. 1 9 3
David, Leroy 1 35 12
David, Margery P. 1 35 1
David, Mary 1 35 3
David, Noble 3-7-1957 1 35 10
David, Philip 1 35 6
David, Phillip A. 12-26-1957 2x 16 3
Davids, Clarissa S. 1 9 8
Davids, John R. 3-6-1907 1 9 1
Davids, John Wesley 8-28-1964 1 9 4
Davids, Margaret 5-10-1914 1 9 2
Davids, Nellie 11-16-1946 1 9 5
Davis, (Mrs.) lx 50 7
Davis, Baby Boy 11-26-1941 lx 51 12
Davis, Esther T. 2-4-1970 lx 51 11
Davis, Ethel Mae 3-10-1969 3 45
Dean, Harold Alonzo 3-29-1966 2x 69 1
Dean, Infant 7-17-1904 2x 69 3
Dean, Jonas 1 5 1
Dean, Mildred B. 9-15-1972 4 48 2
Deatsman, D.Farley 3-12-1942 2x 4 1
Deatsman, Grace 4-21-1936 2x 4 2
DeCamp, Anna 11-13-1911 1 87 2
DeCamp, Jasper 1 87 7
DeCamp, Lulu 6-8-1913 lx 12 3
DeCamp, Mary lola 2-10-1926 1 87 8
DeCamp, Simeon 7-29-1903 1 87 1
Dilley, Ira lx 2 8
Dilley, Ira May 12-6-1912 lx 2 9
Dinsmore, Edna Mary 3-14-1918 2 103 4
Dinsmore, Ernest 4-11-1963 2 103 2
Dinsmore, Ezra 1-8-1903 2x 64 1
Dinsmore, Infant 7-6-1916 2 103 3
Dinsmore, John 5-14-1918 2 103 1
Dinsmore, Lulu 2-2-1921 2x 64 3
Dinsmore, Susan 4-6-1925 2x 64 2
Dixon, Benjamin 2x 72 1
Dixon, John 2x 72 2
Dixon, Mary E. 3-24-1960 3 40 2
Dixon, Roy 5-3-1935 3 40 1
Doolittle, C. E. 1 3 7
Doolittle, Edith 8-13-1946 1 28 12
Doolittle, Ezra 1 3 2
Doolittle, Frankie E. 1868 1 3 5
Doolittle, George 4-28-1930 1 3 12
Doolittle, Hazel 7-13-1932 1 3 11
Doolittle, Minnie 5-3-1929 1 3 11 (D of George)
Doolittle, Ray Allen 7-11-1968 1 28 5
Dow, Forrest LeFavor 12-31-1971 2 108 2
DuBois, Alburkie 12-16-1957 3 58 2
DuBois, Burkie Elaine 3-3-1948 3 58 5
Dudley, Levi lx 55 7
Duffey, Jerry N 2-30-1971 4 98S 2 (Service Man)
Durling, Gulia (Julia) 11-11-1963 1 2 8
Durling, Walter H. 7-28-1953 1 2 7
Edgel, Rose May 12-9-1963 3 54 2
Edgeworth, Emma 2x 11 6
Ellis, Ealla H. 1 51 4
Erdman, Agnes 4-27-1926 2x 4 3
Erdman, Cecile 12-7-1942 3 47 2
Erdman, Florence 2 92 6
Erdman, Floyd E. 8-30-1952 3 47 1
Erdman, Frank 12-23-1948 2 92 5
Erdman, Fred 2 92 1
Erdman, Frederick W. 11-14-1922 2x 4 6
Erdman, Hannah 4-29-1899 2 92 2
Erdman, Libbie 2-18-1925 2 92 4
Erdman, Lottie 11-24-1897 2x 4 4
Erdman, Mable (Infant) 12-10-1927 3 47 4
Erdman, Mary 5-14-1911 2x 4 5
Erdman, Mildred 4-30-1947 3 47 3
Estep, William 8-21-1898 1 72 4
Ewell, George 3-11-1936 lx 9 10
Farnsworth, Bert 11-10-1900 2x 57 3
Farnsworth, Edwin 4-9-1926 2x 57 1
Farnsworth, Esther 8-24-1916 2x 57 2
Fassett, Effie M. 3-2-1955 1 21 6
Fassett, George 5-11-1959 1 21 4
Fensom, Beatrice 6-9-1954 4 21 4
Fensom, Elsie 9-26-1964 4 35 2
Fensom, Hollis Bennie 5-3-1960 4 4 35 1
Fensom, Nancy H. 1-30-1954 4 21 3
Fensom, William 6-16-1951 4 21 2
Fernholz, Herbert 7-29-1963 2x 59 4
Finnie, Hannah 2x 34 3
Fishbeck, Alice Horner 10-21-1932 1x 47 8
Fishell, Effa A. 10-10-1948 2x 63 6
Fishell, Joseph 2x 63 1
Fishell, Nancy (Mary) 4-24-1926 2x 63 2
Fishell, Roy 11-4-1923 2x 63 3
Fishell, William 8-9-1930 2x 63 4
Force, ( Mr) lx 56 4
Force, ( Mrs) lx 56 5
Force, ( Mrs) lx 56 6
Foules, Adelia 8-12-1904 2x 17 8
Fowler, Alice 1 6 12
Fowls, May 3 73 3
Fowls, Theron 5-21-1955 3 73 2
Frayer, Alexine 2x 55 4
Frayer, Arthur 6-27-1952 4 5a 1
Frayer, Arthur 1 27 6
Frayer, Delia Ann 1 27 2
Frayer, George 4-17-1902 2x 78 1
Frayer, Hiram 6-6-1924 3 1 1
Frayer, Infant Baby Boy 11-4-1938 3 1 4
Frayer, Infant son of H. 3-10-1895 1 27 12
Frayer, John 10-27-1899 1 27 1
Frayer, LaVern 11-4-1961 4 6a 1
Frayer, Rachel V. 5-25-1951 3 1 3
Frayer, Ruth 11-10-1928 2x 55 5
Frisbey, Laverne (Infant) 12-23-1937 3 55 6
Gardner, Alice Rosabell 6-27-1950 2x 8 2
Gardner, Almira H. 5-8-1951 2x 56 4
Gardner, Bernice 2x 23 8
Gardner, Charles 6-29-1941 2x 8 1
Gardner, Eliza E. 2x 23 1
Gardner, George 4-14-1949 2x 56 5
Gradner, Jane A. 11-26-1901 2x 23 2
Gardner, John S. 2x 23 3
Gardner, Lynn 12-5-1897 2x 8 7
Gardner, Richard 2x 8 6
Gardner, Roxanna Helen 2x 8 5
Garfield, Benjamin 6-2-1955 lx 4 3
Garfield, Benjamin F. lx 4 1
Garfield, Eliza 11-18-1908 lx 4 2
Garlock, Alfred A. 10-2-1904 2 94 2
Garlock, Eliza A. 2 94 4
Gates, Child of S. 1 61 6
Gennebaugh, John 2x 74 1
Gennebaugh, John J. lx 39 6
Gennebaugh, Mary 7-20-1933 2x 74 2
Giesel, Anna Mary 11-25-1904 2x 74 3
Glassel, Lydia 11-4-1940 3 61 2
Glassel, Ola Mae 1-10-1959 3 61 4
Glassel, Theodore John 1-18-1969 3 61 3
Gonser, Jacob 12-21-1951 3 71 1
Gonser, Nettie G. 4-28-1946 3 71 2
Goodell, Robert 1-31-1938 lx 16 9
Gorman, Charles 4-6-1953 2 102 1
Gorman, Garnett L. 6-29-1968 2 102 2
Graft, (Mrs) 2x 45 1
Graft, Ester 8-8-1946 3 24 3
Graft, George 12-6-1922 2x 45 3
Graft, George Mrs. 2x 45 2
Graft, Harriett E. 6-4-1971 2x 45 6
Graft, Infant 1-31-1923 3 24 6
Graft, Leroy 6-17-1942 3 24 4
Graft, Reuben T. 3-20-1952 2x 45 5
Green, Alfred T. 7-3-1930 3- 33 1
Green, Douglas Lee 6 months  3-1-1945 3 66 5
Green, Richard A. 3-4-1974 3 66 4
Gregory, Emma 10-5-1943 3 28 2
Gregory, Tobias 7-13-1929 3 28 1
Guilford, Carolina 5-7-1903 lx 20 2
Guilford, Chauncey D. 5-9-1955 1 54 7
Guilford, Christine L. 5-17-1965 4 298 1
Guilford, Clarence A. 4-12-1953 lx 22 9
Guilford, Delia lx 1 3
Guilford, Dennis 11-23-1916 1 54 1
Guilford, E. Clara 9-3-1938 1 54 2
Guilford, Edwin 2-12-1935 lx 1 9
Guilford, Ethel A. 1-29-1972 lx 22 11
Guilford, Harold 12-2-1968 4 298 2
Guilford, Howard C. 12-20-1918 1 54 3
Guilford, Ida 1-17-1942 3 30 2
Guilford, J. Dennis 11-5-1941 3 30 1
Guilford, Jane E. 7-12-1933 lx 1 8
Guilford, Mary 1-13-1931 lx 20 5
Guilford, Nellie G. 7-16-1957 1 54 8
Guilford, Orvin lx 20 1
Guilford, Richard Ardis 9-15-1954 4 59 3
Guilford, Robert 8-2-1927 3 30 3
Guilford, Rufus 2-20-1901 lx 20 4
Guilford, Virginia May 2-11-1929 3 30 4
Haight, Ernest 4-4-1923 3 48 1
Haight, Infant 6-10-1917 3 48 3
Haight, Watson 3 48 6
Hale, Herman lx 17 9
Hale, Minnie L. 4-28-1952 lx 17 8
Hale, Oliver 8-27-1962 lx 17 7
Hale, Rhonda Infant 10-26-1971 4 148 1
Hale, Robert W. lx 17 10
Hall, Elsie E. 3-20-1953 4 22 2
Hall, Oliver W. 2x 28 5
Halladay, Anna L. 6-26-1929 3 10 6
Halladay, Eugene 7-12-1932 3 10 5
Halladay, Lillie D. Bidwell 3-25-1940 lx 53 2
Hallenback, Wallace Robert 7-23-1941 3 59 3
Hayward, Claude W. 1-1-1906 2x 75 3
Hamm, (Mrs.) 1 59 2
Harmon, Ross Leonard 8-31-1970 4 c41 4
Harmon, Weldon B. 8-12-1953 4 c40 1
Hart, Catherine Irene 11-14-1958 2 113 2
Hart, Courad 1 5 2
Hart Jr., Robert H. 9-15-1973 2 113 1
Hartz, Burt 1-3-1933 1 5 4
Hartz, Mary A. 12-13-1912 1 5 3
Hartwick, Edna 3-24-1972 4 518 2
Harwood, Ruth A. 3-7-1921 lx 55 10
Hedden, Hazel Elizabeth Myers 11-25-1970 4 24 3
Hiar, David Eldon 3-15-1960 4 88 3
Hiar, Elenor Gene 2 months  5-2-1929 3 7 6
Hiar, Fred 3-26-1959 3 7 3
Hiar, Lillie T. 1-27-1919 3 7 2
Hiar, Mary C. 3-28-1952 3 7 4
High, Catherine 1 72 2
High, Infant and Mary E. 1 72 3
Hill, Fred S. 9-14-1946 3 4 6
Hinds, Pamela Lunn 1 day  1-24-1947
Hixson, Almira G. 7-7-1969 4 66 1
Hixson, 1 44 10 Infant of A. N. & Je
Hixson, Lottie 11-24-1935 2x 55 3
Hixson, Warren M. 2x 55 2
Hoeft, Lois P. 2-17-1971 4 103 2
Holbrook, Infant lx 43 1
Holmes, M. ( Mrs) 1 50 4
Honsowitz, Martin J. 63 yrs  11-14-1973 4 528 2
Hoover, Charlotte 10-0-1882 lx 40 3
Hoover, William S. 5-6-1875 lx 40 1
Hoppes, Bernard Joseph 4-22-1970 4 67 2
Hoppes, Carolyn J. 2-21-1963 4 973 1
Hoppes, Michael Leon 3-17-1971 4 683 2
Horiszny, Catherine Louise 6-3-1944 1 66 12
Horner, Alfred 1 47 5
Horner, Alice 2x 22 3
Horner, Arthur H. 11-26-1954 1 19 12
Horner, Benjamin 1 47 1
Horner, Benjamin 10-1-1931 1 19 7
Horner, Ephraim 5-31-1917 2x 22 1
Horner, Fidelia 4-3-1932 1 19 6
Horner, Frank L. 4-12-1962 2x 22 5
Horner, Frankie 1 47 6
Horner, Hozial 1 19 5
Horner, Irene M. 4-25-1933 2x 22 2
Horner, Leroy 1 47 12
Horner, Maria 1 19 1
Horner, Sarah A. 1 19 2
Horner, Thomas C. 4-19-1942 1 19 11
Horner, Waty 1 47 2
Houtoon, Laura Smith 1 60 7
Hovey, Edith lx 54 4
Hovey, Horatio lx 54 2
Hovey, John lx 54 1
Hovey, Lurenne 5-13-1938 lx 54 12
Hovey, Mary lx 54 3
Howard, Hattie L. lx 24 6
Hubbs, Edward W. 11-25-1907 2 86 1
Hubbs, Hannah A. 2 86 2
Hubbs, Hattie 11-24-1951 2 86 3
Hubbs, Orville Lavavell 1-20-1960 2 86 4
Huck, Jacob (Mrs) 4-1-1899 2x 7 2
Hudson, Alsa Jane 7-3-1958 2x 73 3
Hudson, Emeline Caswell lx 41 2
Hudson, John Leonard 12-31-1958 2x 73 4
Hudson, Libbie M. 1-4-1907 2x 73 2
Hulett, Briggs 4-22-1899 2x 17 1
Hulett, Eunice 1 53 5
Hulett, Infant 2x 17 3
Hulett, Mary 2x 17 2
Hull, Daniel 1 48 2
Hull, Nancy 1 48 1
Hurd, Deborah 1 2 5
Hyde, Alma L. 1 69 9
Ingalls, C. Manly 2-12-1903 2x 49 1
Ingalls, Charles- 4-28-1914 2x 49 4
Ingalls, Clarence M. 3-20-1936 3 45 1
Ingalls, E. L. 1 59 6
Ingalls, Florence 7-1-1967 3 45 2
Ingalls, Katherine 2 49 2
Ingalls, Lucinda 2x 49 3
Ingalls, Maud 1 59 5
Ingalls, Phila 6-9-1954 2x 49 6
Ingalls, Sarah Jane 1 59 4
Ingalls, Sylvester W. 9-26-1925 1 59 3
Ingraham, Mark David 11-7-1972 4 14 2
Ireland, Stanley James Infant 10-21-1972 4 135 2
Irwin, Elizabeth lx 4 6
Jackson, Florence 10-6-1926 1 7 9
Jacobs, Mr. lx 21 7
Jacobs, Arzilla 1-1-1900 lx 21 8
Jeffers, Ellen M. 7-31-1927 2x 18 3
Jeffers, James H. 6-29-1928 2x 18 2
Jeffers, John 2x 18 5
Jeffers, Lloyd 1-27-1916 2x 18 4
Jeffers, Mary A. 5-22-1905 2x 18 6
Jenereaul, Mylo J. 2-10-1964 4 44 1
Jessop, Edward V. lx 5 12
Jessop, Jennie 3 3 2
Jessop, Ray Edward 8-19-1944 3 3 1
Johnson, Berly B. 10-22-1946 lx 16 11
Johnson, John M. 12-27-1941 3 58 6
Johnson, Myrtie M. 2x 43 6
Jones, William 5-28-1905 2x 42 6
Jordan, Emily P. 1 16 1
Kelly, Addie 11-19-1937 2 84 5
Kelly, Charles Martin 8-15-1960 2 84 6
Kelly, Harry L. 6-8-1968 4 77E 1
Kelly, Henry Dayton 2-18-1916 2 102 6
Kelly, Edna L. 6-8-1932 3 32 2
Kelly, Fred L. 1-20-1930 3 32 1
Kelley, (Mr.) 1 32 2
Kelley, (Mrs.) 1 32 1
Kelley, Everett 4-4-1899 2 91 1
Kemmerling, Bliss A. 7-22-1972 4 485 2
Kent, Ethyl Mae 12-28-1961 3 64 2
Kent, William 1-24-1946 3 64 1
Kenyon, Ella J. 1 96
Kenyon, Infant 1 9 12
Kenyon, Myrtle 1 9 11
Kirkham, Baby Boy 10-5-1943 3 77 3
Kirkham, C. Testus 4-21-1962 3 77 1
Knapp, Bertie J. lx 40 12
Knapp, Charlotte E. lx 40 11
Knapp, Lawrence E. 2-3-1943 lx 39 9
Knapp, Mary A. 2x 68 2
Knapp, Peter T. 7-21-1925 lx 40 10
Knapp, Sarah May 5-5-1959 1 39 10
Knight, Monroe 4-8-1898 1 68 5
Knight, Ruth C. 1 68 6
Koleman, Richard H. 3-4-1953 4 39C 1
Koleman, Ruth Adeline 11-28-1972 4 39C 2
Kranich, Harriet 2-20-1948 4 3A 3
Kraus, Mary Rose 1 36 6
Krausz, Diane Marie 6-25-1959 3 51 3
Krausz, Richard 11-13-1934 3 51 1
Krausz, Vera 8-11-1934 3 51 2
Kuntz, August 9-25-190 2x 13 7
Kuntz, Caroline 2x 13 6
Kuntz, Huldah 2x 36 2
Kuntz, William A. 2x 36 1
Landaff, John 1 49 4
Landaff, John 1 49 3
Landers, Emeline Analia 5-8-1944 1 81 3
Leiter, Mary E. 1 77 12
Levy, Clara 1 60 3
Lincicome, Alberta 5-22-1919 3 25 3
Lincicome, Bert 4-25-1935 3 25 1
Lincicome, Columbia 1-16-1924 2x 44 2
Lincicome, Effie 2x 44 3
Lincicome, George 4-3-1900 2x 44 4
Lincicome, Henry 8-27-1937 2x 44 1
Lindsey, Carl 8-20-1947 2x 30 3
Lindsey, Infant 9-24-1895 2x 30 5
Lindsey, Luther 4-14-1973 2x 30 1
Lingo, Perin S. 3-27-1903 2 79 1
Little, Jessie Noble 5-20-1938 2x 7 5
Lintz, Esther Mae 4-27-1974 4 33 2
Longdyke, Arthur 2-5-1930 3 60 1
Longdyke, Edith 10-24-1951 3 60 2
Longdyke, Pearl 3 60 3
Longdyke, Richard R. 2-22-1955 4 27 5
Longdyke, Portia A. 2-22-1955 4 27 5
Loree, Almon C. 8-7-1941 2x 34 4
Loree, Nancy S. 2x 34 2
Loree, William 2x 34 1
Lowe, Baby 7-8-1927 1 23 12
Lowe, Dawn McCrumb 7-1-1927 1 23 11
Lowe, Otho Ward 1-17-1967 1 23 10
Lovely, (Mrs.) 2x 37 3
Liimane, John 1 17 12
Lunn, Clarence J. 7-15-1928 1 24 5
Lunn, Infant 1 24 10
Lunn, Joseph 4-11-1909 1 24 2
Lunn, Joseph P (Infant) 1 24 7
Lunn, Mary Ann 1 24 3
Lunn, Nora 1 24 6
Lunn, Thomas 1 24 1
Lyon, Baby 6-23-1926 3 16 3
Lyon, Carrie 10-27-1960 2 98 4
Lyon, Cecil C. 7-6-1971 2 98 5
Lyon, Cecil Re 3 16 1
Lyon, Mary Ellen 2 98 2
Lyon, Myrtle 1-12-1954 3 16 2
Lyon, Ora Eugene 12-11-1954 1 61 12
Lyon, T. C. 7-30-1927 2 98 1
Lyon, Walter A. 11-11-1918 2 98 3
Mabie, Effie 9-19-1953 2x 16 2
Mansil, Mary E. lx 58 2
Mansil, Tracy lx 58 1
Marcy, Alma 7-11-1923 2x 59 3
Marcy, George S. 3-20-1902 2x 59 2
Martin, Addie V. lx 52 3
Martin, Addison J. 8-5-1900 2x 51 1
Martin, Archie D. 3-2-1953 4 58 1
Martin, Charles E. 12-28-1904 1 71 4
Martin, D. A. (Mrs) 9-30-1893 2x 14 2
Martin, Daniel A. 1-13-1929 2x 14 1
Martin, Edward (Mrs) 1 71 3
Martin, Elliott M. 2x 35 1
Martin, Elmer E. 9-16-1972 1 65 7
Martin, Freddie lx 52 4
Martin, George Roy 11-29-1897 2x 35 5
Martin, Gertrude M. 10-4-1972 4 58 2
Martin, Mary Belle 4-21-1962 1 65 8
McCausey, Charles 1-13-1901 1 53 1
McCausey, Eliza 1 53 2
Mccausey, Eunice 1 53 4
McCausey, Infant 1 53 6
McCausey, Mary 1-5-1898 1 53 3
McClelland, Bruce 1 74 4
McClelland, Eliza 1 74 2
McCliggott, George Francis 4 79 1
McCliggott, Robert Lee Infant 6-12-1969 4 79 2
McConnell, Ella 1 63 12
McConnell, Eva 1 63 5
McConnell, James 1 63 3
McConnell, James 1 63 7
McConnell, Margaret 1 63 4
McConnell, Nancy 1 63 2
McConnell, Susan 1 63 10
McConnell, William J. 1 63 11
McCormack, Duncan B. 1-11-1972 4 49 1
McCormack, Flora Maud 9-28-1954 lx 15 2
McCormack, Justin V. 8-22-1911 lx 51 1
MoCormack, Mary F. 4-24-1969 lx 51 4
McCormack, Patrick Lee 1-11-1971 4 498 1
McCrumb, Cora 7-20-1924 lx 23 3
McCrumb, (Infant) E. lx 24 2
McCrumb, Edith 8-11-1954 2 93 4
McCrumb, Effie L. lx 6 5
McCrumb, Elizabeth lx 24 1
McCrumb, Ella May 1 14 6
McCrumb, Fern Ines 1-23-1974 lx 6 7
MoCrunib, Ford E. 3-31-1965 lx 25 4
McCrumb, Freddie E. 1 14 4
McCrumb, Ida E. 11-8-1925 1 23 2
McCrumb, Infant 4-15-1903 2 93 6
McCrumb, Infant lx 24 7
McCrumb, Jane Perdew 1 143
McCrumb, Johnnie lx 6 4
McCrumb, Julia A. 9-28-1932 lx 6 2
McCrumb, Julia C. lx 25 2
McCrumb, Lester 5-1-1908 lx 25 1
McCrumb, Lester 5-3-1908 lx 24 4
McCrumb, Lewie C. 1 14 5
McCrumb, Marcus L. 1 53 4
McCrumb, Maud Alice 1914 lx 4 23
McCrumb, Maud M. lx 6 6
McCruzib, Ralph A. 11-4-1913 1 23 1
McCrumb, Rebecca 1 54 5
McCrumb, Riley lx 6 1
McCrumb, Rolland 3-17-1937 2 93 5
McCrumb, Sandra Lee 5 years  10-28-1947 lx 23 7
McCrumb, Tommy 1x 24 3
McCrumb, Walter 1 14 2
McCrumb, William M. 1910 lx 23 2
McDermid, Elizabeth Ward 11-28-1933 3 54 3
McLean, Bertha Minnie 8-9-1952 1 49 11
McLean, Elmer 2-18-1847 1 49 10
McNeil, Achah 10-29-1962 4 6A 2
McNeil, Theron 11-28-1958 4 6A 3
McPeck, Margaret 5-15-1974 1 62 12
Meade, Grace Bidwell 11-7-1936 2 99 3
Meadows, Elizabeth 3-19-1932 lx 9 8
Meadows, John 11-23-1926 Ix 9 7
Mealer, Beverly 6-24-1963 1 11 9
Meier, Louise 3-3-1946 1 49 6
Meier, Roy 11-10-1956 1 49 5
Merchant, Alice Youngs 4-23-1937 2x 66 2
Merit, (Mrs) 2x 26 4
Merit, Child 2x 26 5
Merrit, Baby lx 13 5
Merrit, Eva lx 13 5
Merryfield, Eisa E. 06-02-1962 3 39 5
Metcalf, Angeline 1 13 8
Metcalf, Williaxi 1 13 7
Miles, Florence E. 46 years  11-13-1973 3 42 2
Miller, Carol Jean 3 60 6
Miller, Margaret lx 52 2
Miller, Marsdon 09-24-1901 lx 52 1
Miller, Michael Kenneth 08-08-1964 4 10 1
Miner, Abigal D. 1813-  1952 1 6 2
Miner, E. C. 1836-  1973 l 6 4
Miner, Edd 1 6 5
Miner, Erastus P. 1812-  1860 1 6 l
Miner, Huldah E. 1837-  1966 1 6 3
Miner, Orilla 1846-  1882
Moore, William 11-15-1900 2x 55 1
Morofsky, Arthur Willis 09-21-1973 3 33 3
Morris, Belle 2x 67 2
Norris, Betty June 12-01-1959 4 42CS 1
Morris, Charles J. 01-14-1917 2x 67 3
Morris, Ethel Bert 06-18-1942 2 91 3
Morris, Howard Earnest 12-12-1972 4 42CS 2
Morris, Hugh Alton 06-17-1967 lx 4 9
Morris, James A. 2x 67 1
Morris, Marie S. 09-29-1955 lx 4 10
Morris, Pearl F. 09-27-1956 2 91 4
Mun joy, Alfred David 12-31-1958 2 104 1
Munjoy, Alfred Ezra 12-04-1916 2 104 3
Munjoy, Infant 06-20-1929 2 104 5
Munjoy, Murill Ferris 2 104 4
Munjoy, Ruth Anna 02-07-1950 2 104 2
Munshaw, Glen R. 03-30-1940 lx 66 1
Murrry, Child of R. D. lx 7 6
Murray, Josephine lx 7 2
Murray, Robert D. lx 7 1
Muraugh, John B. 09-30-1921 lx 38 9
Murtha, Harriet 10-22-1941 lx 38 10
Murtha, Mary 09-28-1929 lx 38 11
Murtha, Thomas 09-30-1911 lx 38 12
Myers, Albert Charles 04-01-1969 4 24 2
Neff, Jean Ann 05-13-1959 2 85 1
Nelson, Alice 02-19-1962 3 16 4
Nelson, Anuon 1 72 5
Nelson, Carol 10-08-1949 3 16 6
Nickols, Mr. lx 13 7
Nickols, Amanda lx 13 8
Nickols, John lx 13 11
Niles, Nettie 09-17-1926 1 3 8
Noble, Alice 10-13-1908 2 89 4
Noble, Alice Smith 12-30-1910 2x 7 4
Noble, Alma L. 12-13-1966 2 89 2
Noble, Carrie E. 12-22-1906 2x 60 4
Noble, Clyde J. 04-05-1949 2x 13 1
Noble, Frank 04-28-1939 2x 60 2
Noble, Frank Albert 03-23-1951 2 89 1
Noble, Harriet 06-25-1947 2x 60 3
Noble, Infant 2 89 6
Noble, Infant 07-12-1902 2 89 5
Noble, Jesse 05-17-1931 2x 7 3
Noble, Jessie Little 05-20-1938 2x 7 5
O'Harry lx 32 1
Oliver, Emma J. 02-20-1954 1 80 9
Oliver, George 06-19-1944 1 80 8
Olson, Esther L. 06-27-1973 2x 24 6
Orvis, Infant 01-30-1905 2x 71 6
Osman, Infant 2x 16 7
Overhouse, Dorothy 08-05-1944 3 31 5
Overly, Charles W. 05-09-1936 2x 50 1
Overley, John Wesley 09-02-1963  4 9S 2
Overley, Maude 08-24-1900 2x 50 3
Overley, Maude E. 10-10-1972 4 9S 1
Overley, Sarah Augusta 09-07-1940  2x 50 2
Owens, Caleb M. 1 11 3
Owens, Samantha 1 11 2
Palmer, Charles S, 04-10-1909 2 82 1
Palmer, Enina A. 2 82 2
Palmer, Infant 2 82 6
Palmer, S. Pauline 08-30-1972 2 82 3
Parker, Ada Hay 05-16-1932 1 17 7
Peabody, Elbert L, 03-05-1900 2x 56 3
Peabody, William C. 11-06-1919 2x 56 2
Peake, Betsy B. 01-13-1906 1 16 4
Peake, C. W. 05-20-1939 3 35 1
Peake, Clyton E. 4 years  09-22-1970 4 805 1
Peake, Cynthia Jo 03-04-1968 4 635 2
Peake, Eliza 09-06-1940 lx 42 2
Peake, Ellen 01-23-1921 1 16 5
Peake, Elson 01-05-1927 1 34 4
Peake, Eva 06-18-1924 3 35 2
Peake, George W. 12-25-1903 1 16 3
Peake, Ouy Wilbert 10-03-1969 3 34 3
Peake, Horace 10-17-1899 1 34 1
Peake, Hugh Warren 05-13-1970 3 35 4
Peake, Je Warren 1 71 1
Peake, Mrs. J. Warren 1 71 2
Peake, Lynn L. 08-23-1924 1 71 5
Peake, Maggie 1 34 6
Peake, Nathan 03-26-1941 lx 42 1
Peake, Olive M. 1 16 6
Peake, Pearl Pryer 04-10-1929 3 34 2
Peake, Russell 01-31-1944 3 35 3
Peake, Susanah Jane 1 34 8
Peake, Theadocia 1 34 2
Peaters, Susana 1 2 11
Peck, Ella 2x 46 4
Perry, Elizabeth A. Smith 1 60 2
Petrie, Anna Brooks 11-25-1953 4 22 2
Petrie, Ina Jean 02-02-1963 4 7A 2
Phillips, Arthur C. 10-18-1957 1 70 9
Phillips, Calphurnia 04-19-1909 1 15 2
Phillips, Charles 04-06-1921 1 15 3
Phillips, Child of J. 1 79 5
Phillips, Edith L. 06-22-1960 1 70 10
Phillips, Eva 1 70 4
Phillips, Fannie lx 1 2
Phillips, Fred 1 70 3
Phillips, George 01-14-1900 2x 53 1
Phillips, Claude 1 70 5
Phillips. Harry B. 01-20-1925 lx 16 1
Phillips, I. 1 add 1 1
Phillips, Jane 1 70 8
Phillips, Joseph 1 79 1
Phillips, Julia 06-09-1932 1 79 4
Phillips, Levi 1 15 1
Phillips, Levi 0. 1 79 3
Phillips, Mary C. 1 yr.  1 79 2
Phillips, Mary Jane 1 15 7
Phillips, Orlandis 1 15 8
Phillips, Orristus 1 15 9
Phillips, Rose M. 1 79 6
Phillips. William 1 70 7
Phillips, William C. 03-02-1964 2x 53 4
Pike, A. lx 23 1
Pike, Lillie lx 5 7
Pilkington, Edith May 06-28-1959 3 52 2
Piper, Joseph Howard 06-07-1972 4 82 1
Pitch, Eric Allen (Infant) 07-31-197  4 145 2
Pitchford, George E. 08-10-1960 1 29 1
Pitchford, Mitchell Lee 01-27-1958 1 29 11
Pogue, George lx 6 8
Porter, James 2x 37 1
Porter, Mary 10-07-1901 2x 37 5
Porter, Sarah E. Wilson 2x 37 2
Powell, Albert M. 01-04-1933 1 5 6
Prescott, Olive 08-28-1959 2x 80 V
Priser, Gregory James Infant 08-26-1970 3 59 4
Proctor, Charles R.xford 06-05-1965 2x 74 6
Proctor, Rhoda May 04-29-1972 2x 74 5
Proctor, Warren 05-09-1964 2x 74 4
Provost, Sarah Emily 02-14-1901 1 48 5
Pryer, Aceila 08-25-1919 1 58 8
Pryer, Belle Agnes 07-10-1964 1 58 2
Pryer, Charles H, 11-04-1944 1 58 7
Pryer, Ella Brown 06-01-1940 1 58 9
Pryer, Jeffrey Hausser 02-27-1969  4 305 2
Pryer, Margeret 01-30-1918 1 39 8
Pryer, Raymond Hudson 04-08-1961 1 58 1
Pryer, Roy W. 11-30-1936 1 39 9
Pryer, William H. 09-28-1936 1 39 7
Purcell, Elizabeth 04-14-1904 lx 40 2
Ramsey. Arthur 1 18 6
Ramsey, Freddie 1 44 9
Ramsey. Sarah C. 11-17-1941 1 18 4
Ramsey, William J. 1 18 5
Randall, Clyde B. 2x 12 3
Randall, Edward A, 01-20-1939 2x 48 1
Randall, George 12-27-1931 lx 54 6
Randall, James 02-04-1899 2x 12 1
Randall, Mary Emeline 06-08-1943 lx 54 5
Randall, May 2x 12 2
Randall, Nora E. 03-20-1944 2 45 2
Ratcliffe, William C. 50 years  1839 1 42 1
Ray, Eliza Reader 12-03-1944 lx 58 8
Ray, Emersnn M. 07-28-1950 lx 58 7
Raymond, Ruth Louise 07-06-1973 4 33S 2
Reed, Amy lx 8 2
Reed, Eliza 1x 35 6
Reed, Fred S. 12-29-1959 2x 20 5
Reed, Grace L. Carey 2x 5 5
Reed, Hylan lx 341
Reed, Infant lx 35 3
Reed, Infant son of J.C. & S. E. 2x 5 7
Reed, Jane lx 34 3
Reed, Jane 5. 03-26-1914 2x 5 2
Reed, John C. 08-29-1939 2x 5 3
Reed, John C. lx 35 5
Reed, John C. (Nealy) 08-17-1948 lx 34 2
Reed, LaVerna Sue 11-11-1957 3 58 4
Reed, Mable 2x 20 8
Reed, Minnie lx 8 12
Reed, Riley M. lx 35 1
Reed, Sarah A. lx 35 2
Reed, Sarah E. 04-28-1941 2x 5 4
Reed, William F. 10-28-1899 2x 5 1
Reed, Wm. L. lx 8 1
Reeder, B, F. 04-18-1916 lx 55 4
Reeder, Caroline H. 1 80 3
Reeder, Charles S. lx 55 9
Reeder, Doris L. 03-09-1904 2x 70 6
Reeder, Emma May 04-02-1923 2 85 5
Reeder, Enola 10-09-1949 lx 55 8
Reeder, George B. 04-21-1916 lx 55 3
Reeder, Hannah A. lx 58 5
Reeder, Henry 1 80 4
Reeder, Infant 08-21-1909 2 85 6
Reeder, J. W. lx 58 6
Reeder, Margaret 02-07-1906 2x 70 5
Reeder, Mary 06-27-1934 2x 65 4
Reeder, Oren D. 01-31-1956 2 85 3
Reeder, Samuel 05-30-1931 lx 55 1
Reeder, Samuel (Mrs.) lx 55 2
Reeder, Sarah Louise 10-22-1955 2 85 4
Reeder, Vera 2x 65 6
Reeder, Watson S. 08-10-1936 2x 65 3
Reeder, William B, 2x 70 1
Reynolds, Ora May 12-03-1938 2 100 3
Rhine, Mary lx 3 2
Rhine, Samuel W. lx 3 1
Rice, Addison lx 22 3
Rice, Amanda 05-24-1933 2x 54 5
Rice, Artie 1 1 3
Rice, Avis 10-21-1906 1 8 6
Rice, Blanchard E. 04-14-1964 2x 79 4
Rice, Catherine lx 22 4
Rice, Clark lx 22 6
Rice, Dennis H. 06-30-1973 4 31 1
Rice, Earl 1 1 12
Rice, Elizabeth 1 72 1
Rice, Elizabeth E. 12-04-1963 2x 29 2
Rice, Ella 12-18-1927 1 8 5
Rice, G-orge W.. 05-26-1945 1 8 4
Rice, Hannah J. lx 22 2
Rice, Infant S.H. & S. Rice 1 1 6
Rice, Infant Daughter 2x 29 4
Rice, Infant Daughter 2x 29 3
Rice, James 1 1 1
Rice, Jr., John 1 8 3
Rice, John W. 02-01-1903 1 8 1
Rice, Lucy 1 1 4
Rice, Mary Jane 10-25-1899 1 8 2
Rice, Olivia lx 22 5
Rice, Samuel 1 1 2
Rice, William B. 08-23-1940 2x 54 4
Rice, William Eli 05-22-1934 2x 39 1
Richards, Evah F. 11-22-1972 lx 16 8
Richardson, Mary A. 12-30-1913 lx 5 6
Richardson, William lx 5 5
Richey, Adelia 10-12-1930 2 100 2
Richey, Thomas N. 2 100 1
Richmond, Sr., John W, 05-05-1955 2x 43 4
Rickey, D. 0. 10-22-1938 2 95 1
Rickey, Louise 03-23-1932 2 95 2
Roberts, Aaron N. 1 86 1
Roberts, Amy 1 86 2
Roberts, child of Jake 1 56 6
Roberts, Frankie H. 1 77 6
Roberts, Kimberly Lou 04-22-1958 3 43 2
Roberts, Miles 1882 lx 37 3
Roe, Mabel Alice 08-19-1912 1 83 3
Rogers, Clarence K. 09-17-1969 4 115 1
Rogers, Irene Eflura 01-23-1917 3 49 3
Rogers, Marshall Ellsworth 02-01-1919 3 49 4
Rogers, Robert Jay 3 49 5
Rogers, Roy Williams 03-28-1961 4 25 1
Root, Diane Marie 02-24-1966 2x 28 1
Rosekraus, Mary 1 36 6
Rowe, Elmiron E. 1 41 6
Rowe, Rebecca P, 1 41 5
Rozell, Edith 1 26 11
Rozell, George 1 26 10
Rozell, Horace R. 1 26 8
Rozell, John 1 26 1
Rozell, Susan 1 26 2
Rotell, Willard L. 1 26 7
Rumfield, Clarinda 10-25-1923 lx 15 10
Rumfield, John 12-10-1929 lx 15 9
Rumer, Abbie A. 1 37 5
Sanborn, Clista 07-22-1928 1 54 11
Sanborn, Elma 01-07-1928 3 50 2
Sanborn, Herbert O. 06-09-1954 3 50 3
Sanborn, Lawrence W. 05-04-1932 3 50 1
Sanders, Albert A. 02-08-1906 2x 68 1
Sanders, Chloey 1 43 9
Sanders, Clara Regina 01-02-1958 1 43 12
Sanders, John 1 80 1
Sanders, Johnny W. 1 43 5
Sanders, Lois M. 1 34 6
Sanders, Sarah 1 43 8
Sanders, Sarah 1 80 2
Sanders, Theodore L. 1 43 7
Sanders, Urban 01-23-1946 1 43 1
Sargeant, William 17 years  1861 1 57
Sargent, Jr., Charles 1828-  1874 1 57 3
Sargent, Sr., Charles 1785-  1863 1 57 2
Sargent, Hattie M. 1 year  1870 1 57 6
Sargent, Lyan 1 57 10
Sargent, R. 1 57 7
Sargent, William D. 20 years  1882 1 57 5
Saxton, Ann 1 64 2
Saxton, Daniel F. 1 64 3
Saxton, Glen 2 years  1872 1 64 12
Saxton, Jennie 09-25-1937 1 64 4
Sayer, John H. 06-24-1957 3 26 2
Sayer, Sarah Ann 10-18-1928 3 26 3
Scadin, Blanche E. 05-14-1974 2x 66 3
Schneeberger, Lucille 01-12-1955 2x 52 2
Schwab, Armeda 08-11-1954 4 23 2
Schwab, Mildred C. 08-09-1962 4 23 4
Schwab, Mylo 10-13-1972 4 23 1
Sears, Anna Jane 02-08-1929 1 76 5
Sears, Cecil Burton 08-14-1960 1 11 10
Sears, Freddie R. 1 11 7
Sears, Lorento 1 11 1
Sears, Rhoda 05-20-1970 1 11 11
Sears, Verele Eugene 07-25-1972 1 11 12
Sears, Wilmont 1 76 4
Seaton, Bert 09-20-1898 2x 54 6
Sevey, Luella 12-24-1928 2x 62 2
Seybold, Hazel I. 06-17-1974 4 62 2
Seybold, Herbert J. 07-01-1974 4 4A 3
Seybold, LeRoy Earl 01-20-1968 4 62S 1
Seybold, Marlene Annette 01-08-1969  4 62S 2
Sheets, Arthur D. 04-30-1943 3 21 3
Sheets, Catherine 01-11-1929 3 21 2
Sheets, Edna E. 10-23-1953 3 22 4
Sheets, John C. 07-17-1950 3 22 4
Sheets, Mae 12-27-1937 3 21 5
Sheets, Winfield Scott 08-17-1934  3 21 1
Shelly, Bessie 1 44 5
Showerman, John Oaks 03-04-1958  3 67 3
Showernian, Josephine 02-08-1963  3 6 2
Showerman, Robert 07-14-1948 3 67 1
Shepard, Elmer J. 03-14-1949 2x 15 1
Shepard, Lillian Dale 09-21-1948 2x 15 2
Sherman, Dell B. 03-26-1939 2x 3 3
Sherman, Eliza 2x 2 2
Sherman, James A. 2x 3 1
Shultz, Warren Banfield 12-21-1971 4 12 1
Shuman, Lucy lx 15 3
Shuman, W. B. 12-14-1916 1x 15 1
Shuxian, William Otto 1x 15 4
Shuart, Willie lx 8 9
Silvernail Albert 1 29 8
Sines, Charles Raymond 07-19-1967 3 44 3
Sines, Melinda E. 08-16-1968 3 44 2
Sines, Ray 06-29-1938 3 44 1
Sines, William Porter 03-29-1969 4 65 1
Skinner, Robert E. 12-15-1956 4 46 4
Sleight, Emma Louise 05-20-1967 3 17 4
Sleight, Harvey 06-23-1921 3 17 1
Sleight, Thomas 04-04-1937 1 72 6
Sleight, Victoria 11-13-1920 3 17 2
Sleight, William Joseph 10-11-1955 3 17 3
Smith, Alice 2x 42 2
Smith, Ambrose 1868 1 38 2
Smith, Andrew 1 60 1
Smith, Andrew William 04-26-1963 3 64 4
Smith, Buddie 1 16 12
Smith, C.P. 12-03-1938 3 36 2
Smith, Cora 11-04-1965 3 64 3
Smith, CorLiand 11-12-1931 1 61 7
Smith, Darwin C. 1 60 4
Smith, Erva E. 06-02-1906 2 80 4
Smith, Forest B. 01-07-1919 3 3? 2
Smith, Fred 2 80 1
Smith, Helen C. 01-19-1905 2 80 3
Smith, Infant of S. lx 11 12
Smith, Ira B. 1867 1 38 6
Smith, Isaac T. 1871 1 38 1
Smith, Lillian Jane 02-18-1954 3 37 3
Smith, Lucy 1869 1 38 3
Smith, Marietta 07-03-1924 3 36 3
Smith, Mary Lucina 2 90 6
Smith, Merle 04-14-1930 3 23 3
Smith. Milo S. 05-08-1968 3 37 4
Smith, Sylvia 12-11-1933 1 62 8
Smith, T. William 01-10-1932 2 90 5
Smith, Walter J. 09-18-1959 3 36 4
Smock, C. 1 14 1
Smock, Eugene 2x 14 4
Snell, Ada 12-27-1949 2 47 3
Snell, Carrie Grace 04-01-1938 2 47 5
Soper, Cornelia 10-30-1940 2x 53 2
Soper, Lewis C. 10-12-1954 2x 53 3
Soul, Elzie 03-30-1962 lx 57 7
Sprague, Cecil 01-28-1902 lx 33 11
Sprague, Eugene 1x 33 12
Sprague, Parmelia Lingo 03-28-1903 lx 33 2
Sprague, William lx 33 1
Sprague, William Otto 03-26-1951 lx 33 9
Spranglw, Della 2 87 5
Sprangler, Julia 07-14-1932 2 101 6
Sprague (Spreay),Martha N. 09-09-1947 lx 33 10
Squire, Mary 1 87 3
Stadel, Eva Mary 03-14-1961 4 45 3
Stadel, Olive Mae 03-30-1961 4 45 2
Stadel, Shirley Augustus 03-22-1958 4 C45 1
Stahl, Gertrude I, 11-03-1967 1 28 8
Stair, Baby Boy 05-24-1954 2x 20 2
Stanka, Agnes Mae 06-21-1954 4 C41 1
Stanka, Andrev G. 12-16-1958 2 96 2
Stemler, Catherine 01-21-1907 2 96 5
Stemler. Catherine M 05-19-1918 2 111 1
Stemler, Edwin 07-11-1952 2 96 7
Stemler, Edward Jaceb 04-02-1909 2 96 3
Stemler, Ethelyn Virginia 06-07-1924 2 96 1
Stemler, Ja con 09-10-1912
Stemler, John S. 06-01-1954 3 72 1
Stemler, Lunette 07-09-1909 2 96 6
Stemler, Pauline E. 02-29-1924 2 96 4
Stemler, Peter T. 04-18-1963 2 111 2
Stevens, Mamie Haight 05-19-1943 3 48 2
Stevens, Kulford 01-06-1967 3 48 4
Stiffler, Baby Boy 04-03-1942 3 56 6
Stiffler, Benton 11-29-1939 3 46 1
Stiffler, Ellen 05-18-1933 3 46 2
Stiffler, Forest W. Infant 05-22-1927 2x 41 1
Stiffler, Jennie 07-10-1951 3 57 5
Stiffler, Warren 04-11-1944 3 57 6
Stockwell, Adeline M. 1 21 2
Stockwell, Alva J. 1 yr. 1 21 12
Stockwell, Clarence J . 08-25-1950 2x 58 4
Stockvell, Earl 7 yrs.  1 21 11
Stockwell, Ebler 01-14-1935 1 21 3
Stockwell, Jones 1 21 1
Stockwell, Julia Emeline 06-09-1942 2x 58 3
Stockwell, Nathan P. 1 21 9
Stockvell, Rudolph 12-24-1935 2x 58 2
Stockvell, Susan Je 1 21 10
Stofflet, Edna 11-09-1967 1 34 12
Stofflet, Edna lx 34 12
Stofflet, Ellis lx 34 11
Stofflet, Ellis Je 12-16-1967 1 34 11
Sunior, Charles H. 10-17-1950 3 74 1
Sunior, Edna 11-28-1951 3 74 2
Swimely, Silas 2x 21 1
Taylor, Jacob K. 11-18-1954 4 24 6
Teachout, Earl 12-29-1962 4 43 1
Terpning, Mrs. lx 13 6
Terpning, Mrs. lx 13 4
Terpning, George 05-16-1929 lx 13 2
Thomas, Bernice 07-29-1930 2x 27 3
Thomas, Robert 2x 27 4
Thompson, Albert 1 50 1
Thompson, Amy 1 50 2
Thompson, Louisa 1 50 3
Thornbury, (Mrs.) lx 49 1
Thornbury, Child of James lx 49 4
Thornbury, Child of W. lx 60 3
Thornbury, Edward 07-04-1908 2 81 1
Thornbury, Elizabeth 2 81 2
Thornbury, George
Thornbury, Gilbert R.
03-01-1930 2 81 6
Thornbury, Thez 08-09-1945 lx 60 6
Thornbury, J. L, 2 81 5
Thornbury, James lx 49 2
Thornbury, John Edward 05-10-1943 lx 60 5
Thornbury, Josephine 08-17-1923 lx 60 4
Thornbury, Rachel 04-19-1926 lx 49 3
Thornbury, Sarah Ann 11-24-192? lx 60 2
Thornbury, Walter lx 60 1
Thornbury, Walter R. lx 49 5
Thuma, Berta 1 54 6
Thuma, Christian 64 yrs.  1878 1 37 1
Thuma, John 11-05-1935 lx 32 4
Thuma, Margaret lx 32 6
Thuma, Mary A. 1 37 2
Thuma, Sarah Annie 24 yrs.  1867 1 37 6
Thuma, William A 1x 32 5
Tice, Earl Theron 04-14-1962 3 11 3
Tice, George 01-18-1936 3 11 1
Tice, Harrison Theron 07-18-1924 3 2 3
Tice, Merlin 03-23-1952 3 2 1
Tice, Orpha 09-24-1946 3 11 2
Tice, Vida L. 03-02-1974 3 2 2
Towner, Alfred 10-05-1906 1 67 1
Towner, Allen 4 96 1 Soldier ?
Towner, Edith 10-10-1945 1 67 6
Towner, Ellen 1 68 4
Towner, Fred 09-03-1939 1 67 5
Towner, Harriett 1 67 2
Towner, Martha (Calla) 01-03-1947 1 51 6
Towner, Martha P. 1 68 2
Towner, Millie D. 01-23-1937 1 56 3
Towner, Richard 01-26-1937 1 56 4
Towner, Thomas 10-30-1935 1 51 5
Towner, William 1 68 3
Trim, Aurelia A. 1 30 4
Trim, Hiram 1 30 1
Trim, Joseph lx 21 1
Trim, Malona lx 21 2
Trim, Patience 1 30 2
Trim, Sarah 1 30 3
Triphagen, Amy 08-21-1942 1 2 2
Triphagen, George W. 1 36 4
Triphagen, Hannah 1 36 5
Triphagen, Henry I. 1 2 9
Triphagen, James Monroe 03-14-1933 1 2 3
Triphagen, Maria 1 2 2
Tripagen, Sarah A.. 1 36 3
Tripagen, W. T. 1 2 1
Turner, Adalade 1 46 12
Turner, Bennie 2x 25 5
Turner, Christina 1880 1 46 3
Turner, Ethel 01-13-1939 lx 16 10
Turner, Glen 06-20-1942 3 72 52
Turner, Hiram A. 03-06-1926 1 46 5
Turner, J. C. 09-11-1907 2x 25 1
Turner, Lottie 06-07-1927 1 46 6
Turner, Maude 04-29-1967 3 14 6
Turner, Mllie F. 2x 25 2
Turner, Richard Glen 2x 27 5
Turner, Sarah 08-27-1897 1 46 2
Turner, William 3-15-1952 1 46 11
Turner, William H. 12-04-1885 1 46 11
Urie, Elmer Martin 06-10-1971 4 325 2
Vanantwerp, Elmer 2x 46 3
Vanantwerp, George 2x 46 1
Vanantwerp, Hannah 2x 46 2
VanBuren, Clifton 08-01-1973 4 67S 1
Van Buren, Emily L. 03-02-1936 1 58 5
Van Buren, Etta Viola 04-29-1969 4 67S 2
Van Buren, William 1 58 6
Van Horn, James H. 2x 29 1
Van Horn James H., Mrs. 2x 29 2
Vogt, Audrey E. 03-14-1969 2 97 4
Vogt, Clara E. 2 97 2
Vogt, Robert E. 11-13-1963 2 97 3
Vogt, Robert Everett 02-24-1966 2 97 1
Wadsworth, Jennie Martin 08-22-1935 2x 14 3
Wainwright, Abigal 1 81 2
Wainwright, Edith M. 04-30-1909 1 77 2
Wainwright, Ida J. 1 81 3
Wainwright, James C. 08-14-1917 1 77 4
Wainwright, Joseph C. 02-09-1957 1 81 4
Wainwright, Mona 12-11-1897 1 77 3
Wainwright, Samuel 01-19-1901 1 81 1
Wakely, Baby Aileen 08-07-1931 3 31 11
Wakely, Orville Ronald 08-20-1971 3 31 3
Wakely, Walter 12-05-1936 3 31 11
Walden, James 12-27-1908 2 87 1
Waidron, Baby Girl 10-19-1956 2 105 3
Waldron, Emma L. 01-15-1940 2x 1 2
Waldron, George E. 12-19-1910 2x 2
Waidron, Isaac G . 2x 2 1
Waidron, L. B. 2x 2 7
Waidron, Mary J. 2x 2 2
Waidron, N. S. 2x 2 3
Waidron, Pearl F. 04-0-1939 2x 1 1
Waldron, Ronald Duane 03-27-1933 2x 1 6
Wallington, Cornelius lx 36 5
Wallington, Mary Diester lx 36 4
Wandel, Brian Ronald 05-22-1965 lx 17 11
Ward, Charles Plynn 11-14-1942 3 54 1
Warder, Baby 08-12-1938 3 53 6
Warner, Abbey L. lx 15 12
Warner, Abbey R. 1 69 3
Warner, Anna L. 10-25-1900 2x 40 4
Warner, Anna M. 1 69 5
Warner, Child of T. 2 47 6
Warner, Douglas W. 02-24-1943 3 39 4
Warner, Ella Lunn 06-30-1945 3 39 2
Warner, Eva 2x 40 2
Warner, Guy V. 1 69 4
Warner, Infant 1 69 6
Warner, J. V. 1 69 1
Warner, Jariies E. 09-12-1908 2x 40 3
Warner, Jessie D.. 1 56 5
Warner, John W. 03-08-1933 3 39 1
Warner, Louisa 02-18-1906 1 56 2
Warner, Mary A 1 69 2
Warner, Nathaniel 1 56 1
Warner, Robert 03-16-1939 3 39 5
Washburne, Jr., Crosby Bartlett 07-21-1972 1 28 2 ashes
Washburne, Lillian C. 02-17-1973 1 28 3
Wawierniea, Helen 05-24-1958 1 5 8
Way, Alice R. 10-17-1897 1 17 8
Webster, Etta Jo 08-05-1972 3 12 3
Webster, Ira H. 06-15-1935 3 12 1
Webster, Mary Ae 06-28-1923 3 12 2
Wellfare, Carrie Anna 06-03-1960 1 66 4
Wellfare, Hugh J. 10-20-1944 1 66 5
Wellfare, Jesse 08-09-1912 1 66 2
Wellfare. Jesse D. 06-14-1971 1 66 7
Wellfare, Lydia Anna 01-04-1929 1 66 3
Wellfare, Sarah M. 1 66 1
Wellington, Child lx 36 3
Wellman, Fannie 06-22-1917 lx 21 6
Wellman, Frank S. 11-14-1913 lx 21 9
Wellman, Joseph T 06-13-1913 lx 21 5
Weilman, Maloney D. 07-08-1832 lx 21 10
WelIman, Maribeth (child) 02-28-1939 lx 21 11
Westfall, James 1 28 2
Wethy, Leo L. 12-02-1961 2 115 1
Wheeler, 1x 50 5
Wheeler, Alvira 2x 19 8
Wheeler, Child of Miron lx 50 6
Wheeler, Fred 03-05-1923 lx 50 10
Wheeler, George 1945 lx 50 12
Wheeler, George M. lx 50 8
Wheeler, Ida May 04-10-1936 2x 41 4
Wheeler, Lee D. 04-10-1902 lx 50 2
Wheeler, Martha A. 04-03-1931 lx 50 9
Wheelr, Melissa 2x 41 6
Wheeler, Morris 05-09-1920 2x 41 5
Whitman, Charles H. 1 7 4
Whitman, Emaly C. 48 yrs.  1 22 2
Whitman, George 17 yrs  1 22 4
Whitman, Josephine 11-06-1927 1 7 5
Whitman, Levi 83 yrs.  1 22 5
Whitman, Lewis 1 7 6
Whitman, Oscar 28 yrs.  1 22 3
Whitney, Donald E. 05-09-1973 4 86 2
Whitney, Frank J. 11-30-1964 4 86S 1
Wilber, Harriet 03-04-1916 2x 57 6
Wilcox, Alice 2x 21 7
Wilcox, Allen 04-29-1940 lx 64 1
Wilcox, Catherine 02-02-1936 2x 21 8
Wilcox, Floyd 02-06-1971 lx 64 3
Wilcox, Fred 03-31-1945 2x 52 6
Wilcox, Gerald F. 05-26-1945 2x 52 4
Wilcox, Harold D. 07-29-1924 2x 51 5
Wilcox, Harry H. 05-28-1957 2 84 3
Wilcox, Infant 1902 2x 51 6
Wilcox, Infant of Howard 11-25-1934 2x 51 4
Wilcox, L. H. 2x 21 5
Wilcox, Laura Martin 02-16-1937 2x 51 2
Wilcox, Mertie 09-10-1943 2 84 2
Wilcox, Sarah M. 08-01-1973 lx 64 2
Wilcox, Thomas 2x 21 6
Wilkins, Mrs. lx 57 6
Wilkins, child lx 16 3
Williams, James W. 06-21-1943 2x 32 4
Williams, Mary Alma 01-08-1936 2x 32 3
Williams, William 2x 27 1
Williams, William Mrs. 2x 27 2
Williams, William A. 12-17-1958 3 74 3
Willicult, Alice Phillips (Williams 04-22-1934 1 15 4
Wilson, Bernice lyr.  1892 lx 37 4
Wilson, Don E. 7 months  1885 lx 37 11
Wilson, Maud (Infant) 1880 1x 37 12
Winter, Robert Lester 11-01-1958 4 61 3
Wood, Betsy 62 yrs.  1859 1 75 3
Wood, Child 1 75 2
Wood, Dexter 22 yrs.  1862 1 75 4
Wood, Gerusia 1 76 2
Wood, Mary 1 75 6
Wood, Philander 64 yrs.  1860 1 75 1
Wolcott, Fred 2 87 4
Wolpert, Laura M. 3 8 2
Wolpert, Loyd 03-04-1925 3 8 1
Wooden, Amos 04-30-1911 1 73 4
Wooden, Anna N. 1 73 6
Wooden. Emma A. 1 73 3
Wooden, Helen J. 07-03-1972 1 62 11
Wooden, Lottie A. 05-28-1949 1 62 9
Wooden, Mary 1 62 5
Wooden, Mary E. 04-17-1930 1 62 4
Wooden, Moses 1 62 2
Wooden, Rachel 1 62 1
Wooden, Richard T. 10-10-1970 1 62 10
Wooden, Robert 08-05-1940 1 62 8
Wooden, Truman R. 11-24-1916 1 62 3
Woodin, Hannah 1 39 6
Woodin, Sarah C, 1 39 2
Woodin, Sarah E. 1 40 1
Woodin, William 1 39 3
Wyman, Charles 1 25 8
Wyman, Eliott 12-05-1925 1 13 4
Wyman, Infant 1 25 7
Wyman, Jane 1 13 2
Wyman, Julia S. 1 25 5
Wyman, Mary 07-05-1940 1 25 9
Wyman, Mary 1 13 6
Wyman, May 06-28-1900 1 25 12
Wyman, N. H. 1 25 1
Wyman, Oliver 0. 1 13 1
Wyman, Sophia 04-29-1904 1 25 3
York, Ben 10-31-1956 lx 14 7
York, C. V. (Mrs.) lx 14 2
York, Charles V. 12-22-1912 lx 14 1
York, Clarinda M. 05-21-1955 lx 16 2
York, Elva M. 05-28-1918 lx 14 10
York, Infant lx 14 5
York, Spencer lx 14 2
York, Stanley R. lx 14 3
Young, Erma G. 09-26-1963 2 110 1
Youngs, James W. 04-30-1905 2x 66 1
Youngs, Jennie E. 07-50-1967 2x 3 4