A meeting for the purpose of organizing a military company was held at the court-house in Mason, May 13, 1876, when the following resolution, offered by John C. Squiers, was unanimously adopted:

"Resolved, That we hereby organize ourselves into an Independent Military Company, to be musteered into the State service as soon as the Governor will the accept the same."

The names signed to the roll numbered forty-eight, and the organization was perfected the same evening. May 20th, following civil officers were elected: John H. Sayers, President; Lewis C. Webb, Treas.; John C. Squiers, Sec. The military officers, elected the same evening, were the following: Alonzo Cheney, Captain; Andrew J. Bartlett, First Lieutenant; Lewis A. Holden, Second Lieutenant; Charles A. Perry, First Sargeant; Andrew Farren, Second Sargeant; James A. Templar, Third Sargeant; Solon D. Neely, Fourth Sargeant; George Story, Fifth Sargeant; Theodore Stratton, First Corporal; Andrew Mehan, Second Corporal; George De Pew, Third Corporal; Jacob P. Faurat, Fourth Corporal; Frank Gardner, Fifth Corporal; Julius Crittenden, Sixth Corporal; William Shaw, Seventh Corporal; Joel E. Rix, Eigth Corporal.

The company was disbanded as an independent company Jan. 20, 1877, but on the 8th of May, in the same year, pursuant to an act of the Legislature authorizing the raising of a company in the place, it was organized, and enlisted in the State service May 15, 1877. Alonzo Cheney was elected Captain; J. C. Squiers, First Lieutenant; and L. A. Holden, Second Lieutenant. The company received the letter "K," and was assigned to the First Regiment, Michigan State Troops, of which organization it is not a part. It is fully equipped, and armed with the State weapon, the Sharps military rifle. The armory for sometime has been in the hall over M. W. Tanner's store, but will be transferred to the new opera-house upon its completion. The present membership is seventy-eight, and the officers are: Alonzo Cheney, Captain; A. W. Mehan, First Lieutenant; M. J. Christian, Second Lieutenant; Sargeants, 1st to 5th, respectively, Charles A. Perry, H. McNeil, F. Stanton, F. S. Stroud, C. Shafer; Quartermaster Seargeant, J. C. Squiers; Corporals, 1st to 8th, respectively, Jay Morrill, George Swiggett, Frank Gardner, C. Stroud, James Morey, E. P. Rowe, H. Whiteley, Frank Heacock.

The company is well drilled, and is one of the largest in the State service. Several of its members saw actual service during the war of the Rebellion.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
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