Mason Lodge, No. 70, F. and A. M. . --
was organized Jan. 31, 1854, with seven members, as follows, those in italics being now deceased:

William Woodhouse, O. M. Barnes, James W. Phelps, Joseph L. Huntington, James J. Jeffers, Jesse Searl, Peter Lowe.

The officers of the old lodge were William Woodhouse, W. M.; O. M. Barnes, S. W.; J. W. Phelps, J. W.; J. L. Huntington, Treas.; Peter Lowe, Sec. Collins D. Huntington was the first person initiated into the lodge. Mason Lodge is the mother of four others, members from this having formed lodges at Leslie, Williamston, Dansville, and Stockbridge. Its present membership is 120, and its officers are J. H. Sayers, W. M.; Henry McNeil, S. W.; W. B. Huntly, J. W.; S. P. Stroud, Treas.; J. P. Smith, Sec.; Frank Shroud, S. D.; M. D. True, J. D.; Edwin Terwilliger, Tiler.

Ingham Chapter, No. 51, R. A. M., was organized June 18, 1867, with John H. Sayers, H. P.; C. H. Darrow, K.; and Alanson Allen, Scribe. The original members were F. S. Finch, J. H. Sayers, Alanson Allen, M. McRobert, N. Lewis, O. M. Barnes, George M. Huntington, A. L. Nichols, C. D. Huntington, Perry Henderson, J. L. Huntinton, C. H. Darrow, Ch. H. Sackrider, H. L. Henderson, and N. A. Dunning. The chapter acted under dispensation until January, 1868, when it received a charter and the number 51. Under the charter the first principal officers were J. H. Sayers, H. P.; C. H. Darrow, K.; Alanson Allen, Scribe; M. McRobert, Treas.; C. H. Sackrider, Sec. The present membership is fifty, and the officers are Daniel Campbell, High Priest; John H. Sayers, King; George M. Huntington, Scribe; L. C. Webb, Captain of the Host; H. L. Henderson, Principal Sojourner; C. G. Huntington, Royal Arch Captain; C. H. Darrow, Treas.; A. B. Rose, Sec.; C. M. Marshall, Master 3d Veil; George A. Miner, Master 2d Veil; C. D. Huntington, Master 1st Veil; E. Terwilliger, Sentinel.

Vevay Lodge, No. 93, I. O. O. F., was instituted Dec. 14, 1865, with about eighteen members. Its first Noble Grand was J. Shelt. The membership of the lodge, Sept. 6, 1880, was forty-nine, and the officers were: J. Beech, Noble Grand; A. Ellsworth, Vice-Grand; S. Edwards, Sec.; C. M. Rhodes, Per. Sec.; E. A. Barnes, Treas.

Mason Encampment No. 65, I. O. O. F., was instituted in 1875, with about sixteen members, and Jesse Beech as Chief Patriarch. The encampment is not at present in a flourishing condition, and has done but little work during the year 1880. It has about twenty-five members, and the following officers: E. A. Barnes, Chief Patriarch; D. E. E. Hall, High Priest; J. C. Cannon, Senior Warden; C. M. Rhodes, Junior Warden; H. Whiteley, Scribe; Jesse Beech, Treas.

Arcadian Lodge, No. 661, Knights of Honor, has been organized several years, and has a present membership of about thirty-five, with the following officers: A. B. Haynes, Dictator; C. W. Van Slyke, Past Dictator; W. M. Cline, Vice-Dictator; G. M. Wood, Assistant-Dictator; James E. Coy, Treas. and Financial Reporter; George Earl, Guardian; Joseph Presley, Guide; Chaplain (position vacant).

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
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