The first highway record shows a road surveyed by Anson Jackson, county surveyor, in 1839, "In Beginning at the northeast corner of a town 4 north, range 1 west, and running sougherly fifty-three rods on the meridian-line. Variation, 3 degrees, 20 feet east."

Another survey was placed on record Feb. 1, 1840, called the "Cedar Trail road," which began eithty-five rods south of the east quarter-post on section 36, and ran thence in a generally westerly course, partly on the township-line and partly on either side of the same, and passing through sections 31 and 32, and thence westerly to the meridian line, the total distance traversed being 11 miles 226 rods. The surveyor was D. Carroll.

Other roads, surveyed and laid out about 1840, were the "Hall road," in the southeast part of the township, 1 1/2 miles in length; the "Phelps road," also in the southeast part of the township, having a length of 1146 rods and 22 links; the "Avery road," in the northeast part, 422 rods and 17 links; the "Merchant road," on the north line of section 11, and running thence northerly to the county line, 402 rods and 12 links; the "Carr road," commencing on the town-line between sections 32 and 33, and running thence north to the corners of sections 15, 16, 20, and 21, surveyed by D. Carroll. A road running north from the west quarter-post of section 32, 1020 rods, thence west 250 rods to town-line, thence north on town-line 706 rods 2 links to corner of town. This description refers to what is not Locke township. The "Boardman road," on section 11; the "Marsh road," on section 20 and 29; the "Putnam road," in the east part of town; the "Countryman road," in the western part; the "Grand River Ridge road," commencing on sections 13 and 24, and running northwest to the "Pine Lake road," 4314 rods and 17 links, equal to 13 miles and 155 rods, and some others.

In 1840 there were six road districts in the township, then including Phelpstown and Locke.

In the same year David Phelps' yard was declared a public pound, and Ebenezer Hammond was made poundmaster.

The first jurymen drawn in the township, which was in 1841, were Benjamin Pettingell, Joshua Marsh, James M. Williams, David J. Tower, E. V. Stoughton, and John La Clear.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Miichigan", by Samuel W. Durant
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co.; Philadelphia, 1880.
Pages 337 - 338