Foster Lodge, No. 95, I. O. O. F., was instituted Jan. 25, 1866, with eight charter members. Philo B. Abbey was the first presiding officer. The present membership is about fifty-two, and the officers are: Silas W. Olds, Noble Grand; M. V. Armstrong, Vice-Grand; A. A. Lumbard, Rec. Sec; Samuel Harder, Per. Sec.; Jonh Craddock, Treas.

Ingham Encampment, No. 22, I. O. O. F., was instituted Jan. 3, 1867, with about fourteen members. The first Chief Patriarch was Philo b. Abbey. The encampment now has a membership of about twenty, but is not in the best condition for work, a complaint which seems general among several encampments in the vicinity. The organization, however, is kept up, notwithstanding the difficulties.

Custer Council, Order of Stars and Stripes, was organized in March, 1877, with twenty-three members, all men who had seen service in the field during the bloody days of the Rebellion. The present membership is over fifty, and the officers are: H. C. Yerby, Chief Counselor; Alfred Leach, Senior Vice-Counselor; Martin L. Ackley, Junior Vice-Counselor; A. A. Lumbard, Rec. Sec.; John L. Nichols, Fin. Sec.; Henry H. Small.Treas.

This organization is similar to the Grand Army of the Republic. An encampment of "Our Country's Defenders" was partially organized in Leslie, but the Order of Stars and Stripes appears to have better suited the old soldiers, and the latter organization is in a flourishng condition.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
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