In 1870 the village purchased several hand fire-estinguishers, and it was resolved, June 21, 1872, to purchase a fire-engine, at an expense not to exceed $1000. It arrived in the fall of that year, and cost $900. In August, 1872, a lot for the use of the fire deparrment was purchased of Reed & Allen, on Carney Street, for $245, and an engine-house built upon it. In November, 1873, it was voted to raise $250 to construct two reservoirs for use in case of fire., etc. Protection Fire Companhy, No. 2, was organized June 7, 1875, with twenty-six members. It was afterwards disbanded, and in the summer of 1880 was reorganized under the same name, with thirty members (twenty belonging to the engine company, and ten to the hose company). The officers of the engine company are: Foreman, John L., Nichols; First Assistant Foreman, John Boyle; Second Assistant Foreman, E. E. Baker; Secretary, A. A. Lumbard; Treasurer, Andrew Hanh; Engineer, H. E. Williams; First Assistant Engineer, C. H. Roberts; Steward, James Finley. Hose company officers: Foreman, W. W. Cook; Assistant Foreman, B. J. Hahn.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
Page 266