Township No. 1 north, in range No. 1 west, formerly a part of Aurelius, was set off and organized into a separate township by the name of Leslie, Dec. 30, 1837; and the first township-meeting was ordered to be held at the house of Henry Fiske. The following account of said meeting is from the township records:

"Agreeable to an act of the Legislature of Michigan, organizing the township of Leslie, passed March, 1838, and appointing the first township-meeting to be held at the house of Henry Fiske, in said town, --- aggreable to the above act, the legal voters of said town of Leslie met on the first Monday in April, A.D. 1838, at the house of Henry Fiske, and organized by choosing Henry Fiske, Moderator; Jacob Loomis and Franklin Elmer, Clerks: James Royston and Vavasor H. Powell, Inspectors, --- all of which sworn according to law.
"Resolved, That this meeting adjourn to the school-house.
"After the votes were duly canvassed, it appeared that the following-named persons were elected for town officers: Benjamin David, Supervisor; Franklin Elmer, Township Clerk; Sidney O. Russell, Mahlon Covert, and Denzil P. Rice, Commissioners of Highways; William W. Dewey, James Royston, and Franklin Elmer, Assessors; Henry Meeker, Jomes Royston, Vavasor H. Powell, and Jacob Loomis, Justices of the Peace; Thomas Squires, Collector; Clark Graves, F. J. Butler, and Thomas Squires, Constables; Henry Fiske, Valorous Meeker and Vavasor H. Powell, School Inspectors; Benjamin Davis and Benjamin Meeker, Overseers of the Poor.
"I do hereby certify that the above-named persons were duly elected to the offices set opposite their names.
"Henry Fiske, Moderator.

"Resolved (by the members of said meeting), That a committee of five persons be appointed to locate a site and purchase what they think fit for a burying-ground, -- clear and improve the same as they think fit, -- all at the expense of the town.
"Resolved, That Henry Fiske, Henry Meeker, Ephraim Wortman, James Royston, and Jacob Loomis be said committee.
"Resolved further, That said committee appoint a sexton. "Voted, That hogs be free commoners.
"Voted, That pathmasters be fence-viewers.
"Voted, That a bounty of ten dollars be paid to any person, white or Indian, that will kill a wolf in this town; the white man to be a resident of this town.
"Voted, That the next annual township-meeting be held at this place.
"Voted, That this meeting do now adjourn.

(Signed)"Henry Fiske, Moderator.
"Franklin Elmer, Clerk.

The following pathmasters were chosen for Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively: Clark Graves, Clark Gardner, Sidney O. Russell, Jacob Armstrong, William W. Dewey.

The records for the years 1839 to 1840 are missing. The following is a list of the principal officers of the township from 1841 to 1879, with a few exceptions where the records are also missing:


1841, Jacob Loomis; 1842-43, Benjamin Davis; 1844, Lester Miner; 1845, no record; 1846-48, Lester Miner; 1849, Benjamin Davis; 1850-51, Mahlon Covert; 1852, Ira A. Reynolds; 1853, Lester Miner; 1854, Sidney O. Russell; 1855, Austin A. Kirby; 1856, Pliny W. Rolfe; 1857, Austin A. Kirby; 1858-65, records missing; 1866-68, John D. Woodworth, 1869, Sidney O. Russell; 1870, William B. Knapp; 1871, J. D. Woodworth; 1872-75, James Blackmore; 1876, J. D. Woodworth; 1877, James Blackmore; 1878, Caleb Angevine; 1879, James Blackmore.


1841, Samuel F. Rice; 1842, Franklin Elmer: 1843-44, Joseph Woodhouse; 1845, no record; 1846, Lemuel Woodhous; 1847, Alba Blake; 1848, Lemuel Woodhouse; 1849-53, Samuel T. Rice; 1854, James L. Torrey; 1855, Samuel T. Rice; 1856, Hiram Godfrey; 1857, Lemuel Woodhouse; 1858-65, records missing; 1866, John W. Burchard; 1867-68, John R. Van Velsor; 1869-72, Edwin G. Eaton; 1873, William H. Rice; 1874, Valorous H. Grout; 1875-76, Frank L. Prindle; 1877, Edwin G. Eaton; 1878, J. M. Gibbs; 1879, F. C. Woodworth.


1841, Lewis Reynolds; 1842, Calvin Edwards; 1843-44, Samuel G. Sanders; 1845, no record; 1846, Nelson B. Barnes; 1847, Flavel J. Butler; 1848-49, Ogden Edwards; 1850, Thomas Austin; 1851, O. H. Parrish; 1852, N. B. Backus; 1853, Ogden Edwards; 1854, George Phinney; 1855, Clark Graves; 1856, James L. Torrey; 1857-65, record missing; 1866-67, Leonard C. Rice; 1868, G. B. Loomis; 1869-70, Clarkson Flansburgh; 1871-72, George J. Phelps; 1873-74, Edwin Ward; 1875, Hiram Austin; 1876, Allen C. Manly; 1877, William H. Rice; 1878, George J. Phelps; 1879, Levi L. Forbes.


1841, William H. Dewey, James Royston; 1842, Alba Blake, W. Sanders, Lester Miner; 1843, Lester Miner; 1844, James Harkness; 1845, no record; 1846, Alba Blake; 1847, Lester Miner; 1848, James Hart; 1849, John Housel Wheaton Sanders, Rensselaer Polar; 1850, L. Woodhouse, J. Armstrong; 1851, Nelson Norton; 1852, Jacob Armstrong, James Harkness; 1853, James Harkness, Hiram Godfrey; 1854, Hiram Godfrey; 1855, John R. Dunsha; 1856, William Burr, J. Armstrong; 1857-65, record missing; 1866, Luther L. Stone, William C. Tompkins, James M. Gould; 1867, S. O. Russell; 1868, Waldo May, Jr., Horace Haynes, Abram J. Bailey; 1869, Edmund L. Cooper; 1870, William H. Burns; 1871, Henry B. Hawley; 1872, William E. Whitney, Cornelius Calkins, David D. May; 1873, S. O. Russell, W. E. Whitney; 1874, William E. Whitney; 1875, Henry B. Hawley; 1876, George J. Jackson; 1877, Cornelius Calkins; 1878, George W. May; 1879, L. G. Woster, J. J. Tuttle.

Officers for 1880: Supervisor, James Blackmore; Township Clerk, F. C. Woodworth; Treasurer, Levi L. Forbes; Justice of the Peace, George J. Jackson; Superintendent of Schools, C. Green; School Inspector, A. R. L. Covert; Commissioner of Highways, M. V. Armstrong; Drain Commissioner, Enoch Haines; Constables, James A. Peacock, Albert A. Lumbard, John Collins, Lewis B. Sanders.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
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