The tract-book for Ingham County shows the following land entries in town 2 north, range 2 west, now Aurelius:

Section 1. -- James Crane, July 11, 1836; Ira R. Grosvenor, Oct. 1, 1836; Nathaniel Bullock, Nov. 1, 1836; Daniel Graves, Dec. 10, 1836.

Section 2. -- James Wheeler, Sept. 22, 1836; W. H. Church and H. W. Dimond, Nov. 1, 1836; Owen Kelley, June 23, 1839; Daniel Stillman, Riley Stillman, March 9, 1844; Lewis R. Perkins, Nov. 14, 1844.

Section 3. -- William C. Leeke, April 22, 1837; Marshall Smead, April 25, 1837; Daniel Crandall, June 7, 1838; Daniel Stillman, April 17, 1839, April 11, 1840, Feb. 24, 1845; O. B. Stillman, Oct. 7, 1848.

Section 4. -- Warren Fay, Samuel Starr, Marshall Smead, April 25, 1837; Oliver E. Hastings, May 4, 1837.

Section 5. -- P. Robinson and J. S. Holden, Jan. 14, 1837; Samuel Hopkins, Dec. 13, 1836; Horatio G. Proctor, 1847; Horace H. Proctor, Seth M. Root, no dates.

Section 6. -- Samuel Hopkins, Nov. 1, 1838; David Felton, 1847; Joel Smith, Aug. 12, 1848; WIlliam Filkins, William S. Card, no dates.

Section 7. -- Daniel Cook, Sept. 27, 1836; Furman G. Rose, Francis Foster, Benjamin B. Kercheval, Dec. 10, 1836; Silas C. Herring, Jan. 16, 1837.

Section 8. -- Abner Bartlett, Dec. 10, 1836; Thomas Addison, Ansel Ford, Jr., Maria Irwin, Lusius Warner, Dec, 12, 1836; E. Crittenden, F. Foster, Dec. 13, 1836.

Section 9. -- Seth M. Root, Nov. 2, 1836; Josiah Sabin, Dec. 12, 1836; Marshall Smead, April 25, 1837.

Section 10. -- William Rathbun, Nov. 2, 1836; William C. Leeke, April 22 and July 15, 1837; Daniel Crandall, June 7, 1838; Hiram Reynolds, Nov. 15, 1838; Alexander Dobie, Feb. 9, 1849.

Section 11. -- W. Manchester and H. B. Dearth, Nov. 1, 1936.

Section 12. -- Ira R. Grosvenor, Oct. 1, 1836; J. J. Wolf, J. Winthrop, and Thomas Vernon, Nov. 1, 1836; W. Manchester and H. B. Dearth, Nov. 1, 1836; Daniel Graves, Dec. 10, 1836.

Section 13. -- Andrew J. Cooper, Jan. 25, 1837; Isaac Beers, Feb. 15, 1837; William Busenback, June 27, 1839; John Aseltine, no date.

Section 14. -- Daniel Graves, Dec. 10, 1836; Isaac L. Finch, Jan. 25, 1837.

Section 15. -- Cornberry Tillow, Nov. 2, 1836; Mary McFall, April 29, 1837; Nathan Davidson, Jan. 15, 1838.

Section 16. -- School land.

Section 17. -- Nathan Blain, Lester Babcock, Luther Babcock, Lucius Warren, no date.

Section 18. -- Daniel Goodwin, Feb. 19, 1836; D. M. Hard and D. Peck, Sept. 21, 1836; Ansel Ford, Jr., Dec. 12 and 13, 1836.

Section 19. -- Hard and Peck, Sept. 21, 1836; Joel B. Strickland, Dec. 10, 1836; G. L. Lewis, Jan. 16, 1837.

Section 20. -- Joel Moore, Henry Shafer, July 24, 1836; John Stolp, Dec. 12, 1836; John Strickland, Dec. 10, 1836.

Section 21. -- Amasa B. Gibson, Sept. 21, 1836; James McFetridge, Tobias Holden, Nov. 2, 1836; William A. Ketcham, Nov. 10, 1837; Horace Havens, June 7, 1838; Richard Rayner, June 6, 1839.

Section 22. -- Amasa B. Gibson, Sept. 21, 1836; Tobias Holden, Nov. 2, 1836; Abner Bartlett, Dec. 10, 1836; William Busenback, June, 17, 1839; Martin Thoma, Aug. 24, 1839.

Section 23. -- Isaac Beers, Feb. 15, 1837.

Section 24. -- Matthew C. Dubois, Nov. 1, 1836; Samuel B. Douglass, Oct. 21, 1840.

Section 25. -- Martin Dubois, John Dubois, Nov. 1, 1836; John Rayner, June 6, 1839; Lewis Kent, Aug. 31, 1841; Elisha L. Taylor, no date.

Section 26. -- Sylvanus P. Jermain, Feb. 28, 1836; D. Coleman and George B. Cooper, Feb. 11, 1836.

Section 27. -- Peter Linderman, Hanah Sabin, Dec. 12, 1836; Silas C. Herring, Jan. 16, 1837; Henry Hunt, July 10, 1837; John Rayner, July 15, 1838.

Section 28. -- Egbert W. Pattison, John W. Woodruff, Adam A. Oversacker, July 14, 1836; Hannah Sabin, Dec. 10, 1836.

Section 29. -- Josiah Sabin, entire section, July 14, 1836.

Section 30. -- James Phillips, William Birge, Silas J. Doty, Nov. 1, 1836; Silas C. Herring, Jan. 16, 1837; John H. Child, May 18, 1837.

Section 31. -- Clark Donner, John L. Edmunds, Jr., James Phillips, Nov. 1, 1836; Ann Ford, jan. 21, 1837.

Section 32. -- Jesse Cole, Sept. 21, 1836; Harrison W. Smith, John L. Edwards, Jr., Nov. 1, 1836; Silas C. Herring, Jan. 16, 1837.

Section 33. -- Henry Shafer, Peter Linderman, Josiah Sabin, July 14, 1836.

Section 34. -- William O. Conner, July 14, 1836; Silas C. Herring, Jan. 16, 1837.

Section 35. -- John Dubois, Nov. 1, 1836; John Rayner, May 28, 1839; Garrett Dubois, June 23, 1839; David Finch, April 10, 1841.

Section 36. -- Milton B. Adams, May 4, 1836; John Dubois, Nov. 1, 1836; John Rayner, Richard Rayner, May 28, 1839; John Rayner, June 6, 1839; William Busenback, June 27. 1839.

A large portion of the lands in this township became the property of speculators, or men who did not become actual residents. The land was sold by them to others at a slight advance upon cost, and the purchaser generally found it necessary to make all the improvements himself, as the "second hands" from which he had bought had been to no trouble in that direction. The "speculator" was a being not al all fancied by the settlers, yet he managed to enter very much of the land included in the township, and to dispose of most of it at a gain.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
Pages 213-214