The township of Alaiedon, including congressional town No. 3 north, in range 1 west, lies near the centre of Ingham County, and is bounded north by Meridian, east by Wheatfield, south by Vevay, and west by Delhi. The eastern boundary of the township was surveyed in 1824 by Joseph Wampler, the north and west boundaries in 1825 by Lucius Lyon, and south boundary in 1825 by John Mullett. In 1827 the town was subdivided ty Musgrove Evans.

The principal streams in the township are Mud and Sycamore Creeks, the former entering on section 34 and the latter on section 32, and the two uniting on section19. The name "Sycamore Creek" is retained by the sream thus formed, which finally enters the Cedar River in the southeast part of the city of Lansing. Dobie Lake, on sections 10 and 11, is a sheet of water covering, according to the map, about thirty-five acres, and draining northeast. Herron Creek takes its rise in the northwest part of the town and flows northerly. A large portion of the township is level or gently undulating, while in some localities the surfact becomes more broken. It is generally well improved.

Taken from:
"History of Ingham and Eaton Counties Michigan, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Their Prominent Men and Pioneers", by Samuel W. Durant.
Published by D. W. Ensign & Co., 1880.
Page 213